I think Blizzard and Valve are battling it out for the world record for how long it takes to make games
sorry but i relay don't hope we are going to get endless L4D and portal squeals from valve now as its starting to look like that, I like them both as much as the next person but with nothing on EP3 we may never see what happens our fav Geek hero at this rate.
got quite excited by this that i went through and completed it last night awesome game!
whos up for some cake?
By "upcoming holiday season", they'd better mean Easter, not Christmas.
Hope it's part of a bundle tbh. Portal 1 took me about 3 hours to finish, all told. If Portal 2 is just as short, and priced at 19.99, I'll wait for the Orange Box 2
By "upcoming holiday season", they'd better mean real time not Valve time.
Apparently they're saying it's significantly longer than Portal 1 and I've seen prices of about $50-$60 already being bandied about for it.
Im guessing summer more than easterBy "upcoming holiday season", they'd better mean Easter, not Christmas.
Pass, then. No way should it be that expensive.
Im guessing summer more than easter