Official Prey thread

stuck again :o

got to the top of the tower where i got a flying vehicle and shot down some bad guys in their flying saucers. Ive landed on the other side of the bowl area and gone through a door, killed a few peeps and pressed this button that opens this little window (not one you can go through) and now i dont know what to do next :(
go back outside the way you came in to your shuttle,there some more bad guys outside waiting for you.Basically kill the bad guys and go in through the doorway you opened with your shuttle.
I'm stuck, here: <- Crap res

I've gone through to an area with 4 white lightning beams, a locked door, found a passcode (0244) but there is no where to go, there are two little sign to indicate a ghost movement, both next to each other but the second not really indication what to do... any help guy?

edit, nm
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Just finished the demo this afternoon, great gameplay and second-to-none graphics!

Am I the only one who feels slightly sick when you shoot those blue panels and the room changes? :eek:
I need some help, im stuck in this cube thing and u have to shoot the gravity pad things to rotate it to find your way out. Ive been trying for ages and still can't figure it out. :confused:
got round to finishing it last night. Not really much of a challenge and i doubt I would play it again on the harder settings but I enjoyed it.

Some of the graphics are really nice and the big scenes near the end are well done.

well worth playing.
Just finished it now. Has one of the best FPS endings ever no doubt about that. Make sure you wait after the final credits otherwise you miss the final end scene. Lots of imaginative level design and use of colour/textures with many never before scene monsters & weapons.

Gfx show that the engine ID created for Doom3 can be made to look a lot better by non ID developers.

Runs very well on mid range hardware as well so like Valve ID have shown the way for other PC devs to emulate rather than all this bloatware nonsense which looks little different (FEAR anyone).

Well worth getting if you love FPS and can get through the first 20 mins which are intentionally dull looking & playing.

Surprised they released it in summer (the lower game sales) as this could easily been one of the biggest autumn/winter releases.
AWPC said:
Well worth getting if you love FPS and can get through the first 20 mins which are intentionally dull looking & playing.

The first 20 minutes was the best of the game!

Great atmosphere :D

Might complete this tomorrow before I sell it.

Just finished it :) loved it ... felt it could have done with more use of the portals. Also what was with that spirit in game? It came at random times, and ate away your spirit.

Also the children? what happened there?

Highlights for me were the portal onto the rock inside the cabinet and the radio station :)
Got this yesterday.

Loving it, very very good game, very surreal, especially those anti-grav walkways those portals and all.

Not played online yet but promised Nokkon I'll kick his butt on it later on.

*WHOOPS!* Wrong forum :p
Completed the game while I was waiting for my internet to be activated... I thought it was pretty damn good to be honest!

But guys, you've gotta try the multiplayer... that is MENTAL!!!!!!
Very good production values on the game, didn't feel like 10 years of content in the game, but I've always said I would rather play a 5 hours rollercoaster than a 50 hour bus ride.

Completed it back through on Cherokee with a gamepad in under 4 hours at a pretty accurate guesstimate.
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