great mini review hangtime

the beginning of this game was awesome as many people have said, after that things get a bit repetitive and the puzzles were not that hard. the physics and the spinning of rooms were quite good.
i just completed this game and i can say that near the end it gets frickin awesome... the presentation and such were very slick. the bosses were a bit easy mainly due to the fact that i knew i was never in trouble if i died.
dunno about the rest of u but the graphics were top notch, carmack really went to town with this new engine.
for me however the best bit about this game was the music, really added to the atmosphere especially at the end of the game.
all in all i thought it was quite good. not on par with doom3 or hl2 but then it will take a very special game to beat those two. i just wish the bosses had been harder or more awe inspiring ala painkiller or chthon (sp.) from quakeworld (remember him?

i will be playing prey 2 when it comes out (prolly on the unreal engine) i am guessing.
edit: o yea the weps sucked... i never really understood which was were the more powerful weps, i just tended to pick one spam the enemy until the ammo ran out and then change to the next one... no real hierarcy like older classic games where u knew the rocket launder would do uber damage or that the lightning gun would take care of things... but then again its unfair to compare the might rl and lg combo and quad ssg to modern games, u just cant beat it