!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

It'll be nice to see what other companies will do when they get a commercial license for id tech 5. :)

Listening to Carmack, he's already spoken about id tech 6 that will maybe have ray-tracing with Sparse Voxel Octrees.
any reviews up yet?
Just been ignoring this with all the BF3 hoolabaloo
Very tempted although hope gameplay is interesting...remember Quake 4 (by Raven I think)...boring
Just want to say thank you and good work for keeping this thread updated Gerard, the OP has all the info I wanted better than google lol!
Tbh after finding the BF3 beta bit drab, I'm looking forward to this even more. :)

Seven days. :D

Yeah, I agree, bit of anti-climax and a bit cartoony looking to me..BC2 was much more gritty feeling & don't like the new destructible (or not) FBite 2. Maybe get Rage for something completely different.

Anyone here used Shopto before? What are they like for delivery times? Always went with Game before now but just a bit expensive.
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I want to pre-load. :( Stupid collectors edition!

Might spend today playing some proper Id classics. None of this Doom and Quake rubbish. :p


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Of course yeah, silly me :D.

First impressions from pc games hardware...

The id developers didn't give us an Xbox 360 controller but therefore they presented the PC version of Rage. According to Tim Willits the test PC was equipped with 4 GiByte RAM and a Geforce GTX 275. The setup was able to run Rage at a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels at the desired 60 fps and without lags.

Although the new id Tech 5 Engine doesn't support DirectX 10 or DirectX 11, the graphics of Rage don't have to fear other games on the market. The graphics admittedly look like the basic design had been taken from comics. Many textures are surrounded by a thin black line, some decent kind of Cel Shading. The richness of details of the textures for faces and weapons is really impressive. Due to the mega texture technology the rest of the game are also covered in high resolution textures. Furthermore it seems like id doesn't use a Depth of Field effect and thus even distant objects are very detailed. As usual for id all textures look very vividly and the developers also integrated Stencil Shadows, dynamic light sources and lots of destructible objects.

But the gaming experienced suffered from the fact that the 42 inch TV, which the game was presented on, had to interpolate the used resolution (1280 x720) and thus the picture was a little blurred.

Rage: First impressions of the PC version and performance estimation - Rage, id Software, Gamescon, id tech 5 - PC Games Hardware
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