** Official Returnal Thread **

This is getting really annoying now. Cycle 13 and I can't get past the first boss. The third phase with the teleport+melee attacks, well I'm done for. I can't avoid a single one. I always get killed in phase two which uses my astronaut spare life up. I'm so close to just giving up now and calling it a day.

I'm going to try again tomorrow but record myself in that final battle and then watch it back to see if I can spot some way of improving.
This is getting really annoying now. Cycle 13 and I can't get past the first boss. The third phase with the teleport+melee attacks, well I'm done for. I can't avoid a single one. I always get killed in phase two which uses my astronaut spare life up. I'm so close to just giving up now and calling it a day.
I'll never understand these games that are so tedious and difficult that a good percentage of players will never get to experience the full game. It's such a waste as the art and mechanics are amazing.

I'm just glad I got it on PS Plus as I was close to actually buying it; I'd have been gutted to have paid full price for what's turned out to be a couple of hours gameplay.
The game doesn't even really start to biome 3 and 4..

First 2 bosses shouldnt take more then a few tries there attack patterns are easy to learn... U either don't have a decent weapon or your integrity is low.. also carbine is best weapon to use for first boss and don't forget to use special everytime it's off cool down and learn to hit ya reloads.

When he teleports to you just Dodge instantly and in later phase he will teleport 2 or 3 times so just be ready.

Also need to learn about parasites aswell..

if u suck at aiming put auto aiming onto high it helps a lot. IRL friend of mine was struggling with first 2 biomes but once he changed it helps a lot just something less to worry about and helps with movement and dodging.

And dying is part of the game get used to it and learn.. i think I had around 80 deaths once I completed.... also after each boss u get permanent upgrades that help massively.

Also don't go in yellow rooms with stars above them if u have a lot of health and decent weapon and are about to attempt the boss sometimes it's just not worth it.

U can pretty much do the first biome with just the melee sword aswell. Don't even need to fire a weapon unless u get a few of the flying things.
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Yep need a carbine for range on that boss and dodge on the melee attacks. Watch him you’ll get a big cue when he is going to melee you. I watched a vid on YouTube and beat him easily after that. He was my brick wall but once done the rest was OK.

What a great game completely ruined by the return to the start of the map to redo the same thing over and over again.

F that.
It’s a roguelike and it’s ok not to like things but personally I really enjoy them. Death is learning. I get why they are not everyone’s cup of tea though.
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I genuinely appreciate the advice and replies. I don't mind having to learn how to defeat the bosses, it's being forced to replay the entire map from the start on every single death that I find too brutal and tedious.

It's not for me.
Get in! I did it on first go this afternoon but I was very lucky with my consumables. I managed to pick up two large health packs to use mid-fight and I definitely needed them. Spent an hour exploring the next biome but got smacked before getting to the boss by new baddies.

Most of all I was gutted that there still doesn't seem to be a way to use the orange grappling point things I've seen... I was expecting that to be some reward from the first boss.
Get in! I did it on first go this afternoon but I was very lucky with my consumables. I managed to pick up two large health packs to use mid-fight and I definitely needed them. Spent an hour exploring the next biome but got smacked before getting to the boss by new baddies.

Most of all I was gutted that there still doesn't seem to be a way to use the orange grappling point things I've seen... I was expecting that to be some reward from the first boss.
Ah well done! Yeah there are some Metroidvania elements in there too it you’ll unlock those eventually.
Cracking game. Beat the first boss the other day on the 2nd time of meeting. Nearly got him first time.

His attacks are very easy to avoid and the only one that got me a couple of times was the expanding rings coupled with the melee attack.

Feels like around 1/3 of my deaths in the first biome came from either being stupid and going into one of the "challenge" rooms where there are wave after wave of hard enemies or my personal favourite was falling down one of the fake floors and being faced with a ridiculously OP enemy who has loads of AoE attacks and is too strong.

The haptic feedback in this is great and its a real shame how few games seem to use it well. Graphics and combat are top notch as well.
Played the daily challenge which amazingly I completed and some tower horde mode and random co-op wow this game just gets better. Such a rush! Haven’t played it since launch it’s good to see them still adding to it.
Started this today. Got to first boss and nearly beat it first time. Got it down to the last quarter of the last life bar/phase.

Made a stupid mistake and carked it.

Since I reached the first boss the world seems much tougher now. Not sure why. Everything is much tougher to kill and getting a lot more enemies spawn in areas.
I spent a bit more time on this today. Starting to get to grips with the mechanics a little better now. On my latest run I’m almost 100% of the first area and reached the gate of the first boss (it’s uphill across broken ground and a few of those eyeball sentinel things are guarding it). Well I say 100% but it isn’t really as there’s multiple areas I can’t get to at high level. I reckon there must be an upgrade I’m missing.

Ran into a star gate today and thought I was going to get spanked. Turns out my time on Doom titles has helped me a lot. Keep moving and use terrain for cover!!

3 waves of enemies and I hammered them all. Consistently hitting the reload box with R2 is a life saver.

I had a really cool parasite yesterday that I wanted to find again but haven’t been able to. It basically recharges integrity when it’s low.

Currently on weapon proficiency 4 on this run and I’m part way to 5. Want to try and hit 5 before Phrike but not sure I have left enough enemies. Need to mop up and see how things end up. There’s several chests I haven’t opened though and at least 3 ‘fall through the floor’ bits I have left for later.

I’m enjoying it so far. But it hasn’t grabbed me in the way I hoped it would, but to be fair it is really early days. Just have a nagging doubt I’m going to get bored of the mechanics; run here shoot some stuff. Pick up that, but not the other and run there and shoot some more stuff. It’s a long way back when you die!!
I played this some more today. Killed Phrike. Took 3 attempts in total since I started so I’m really pleased with that.

I’m now at the end of the 2nd Biome on my first attempt after killing Phrike.

I have been lucky with some drops in Biome 1 and I’m running around with basically 200% integrity. I’m only proficiency 8ish but the only area left in Biome 2 is a challenge door and the boss.

Im feeling the nerves so I suspended my cycle and I’m taking a break!! :p

Will dive in to boss 2 another day!
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