***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

Totally forgotten that was today... was thinking 20th something...

467th in queue, 56 minute wait.

I thought I'd moved off Bloodiron to a PvE? Odd...
I been playing for for a week or so as they let old players come back early, but went to login 5hours wait 600th in queue i think ill give it a few days to carm down. The Last of Us please arrive tomorrow :D
Totally forgotten that was today... was thinking 20th something...

467th in queue, 56 minute wait.

I thought I'd moved off Bloodiron to a PvE? Odd...

Hey Andy,

They all full mate! I'm on Icewatch as Bloodiron's pop went really bad!!

Got 9 min left(been saying that for the last 30min :p)
This game is at its best when the servers are busy(public quests/rifts). So I'm glad to see there are queues. I'll be coming back to this over the weekend I think. Need a new MMO to get into but the sub on this always put me off.

IMO this is the best MMO out there at the moment.
Only a minutes queue for me on Bloodiron tonight.

As I've got on, I understand/remember now. I moved my 50 Rogue to Icewatch, but my 50 Cleric is still on Bloodiron.

So are we going to see about putting a Guild together? If so, I would prefer a PvP server (Bloodiron) but would be open to persuasion :)


Bloodiron: Bartholomew
Icewatch: Diamon

Send me a hello if you see me on :)
How did they implement the F2P. Is it as retarded as SWTOR model ? I had many a good time on this last year, but most devs go bat**** crazy when they flip to f2p.

Is this going to be a pay to win style model now ?
Really tried to get into this but after playing GW2 for so long, the combat feels so sluggish and bland. I think this latest generation of MMOs (GW2, Tera, Never winter) have really taken combat in the genre forward.
I installed this on friday
Been playing a bit, am level 13 (rogue marksman)

How long does it take to get past the "kill x", "talk to x", "deliver x" quests?

That's all it seems to be at the moment :(
Taken from another thread;

RIFT is awful now it's gone f2p, I don't know if it was always like it but everything is shared, it's ****! There was this mission on the tutorial after you go back to the past, and you have this sort of magical device that plays a message when you use it on some machine. The only problem is, you have to use the machine yourself to get the quest progress, not just view the same message that somebody else is getting because they beat you to using the machine. There were about 30 people standing around it (yes there was only one machine) and each persons turn took about 15 seconds, people were getting so annoyed. Then there was another **** quest where you had to destroy mutant plants on a farm, and you had to destroy 6. No more than 4 would spawn at any given time, they'd take in excess of a minute to respawn and there were about 30 people trying that too, it became a case of simple 'go here, click x amount of interactive objects' quests taking absolutely ages and becoming frustration as hell, I enjoyed it for about an hour or two but then quit because of dumb **** like that.

The combat/graphics/world are great, but their quest system is a complete joke and then some.

Anyone else annoyed by this?
Had some fun last night, finally got to lvl 20. did the Fae dungeon, foolishly tried it on my own first then we ended up with a group of us. I was the main tank ( paladin) and when we came to the last boss, i had 0 vitality lol.

Been a while since i've joined a random group of pubbies and had a good laugh.
I'm ****** off that they've made Icewatch a trial only server, and moving to where all my mates are playing means I've lost character names I've had since launch.
How long does it take to get past the "kill x", "talk to x", "deliver x" quests?

That's pretty much what MMO's are though, right?

I did the grind with two characters, getting them to level 50, I have to admit I struggle moving them on. Mainly I'm advancing using Warfronts and dungeons, which does mean you avoid the kill X number of Y.
Yeah we gone back into Rift (The Immortals I mean) while waiting for WildStar, got to say having a blast in it, and now that its free, its very busy again!
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