I love the casual nature of this paragraph...
Intel's compilers deliberately scan for none Intel CPU's and then puts them on a gimp code to slow their performance.
More on that here....
Intel reworked their compiler to put AMD CPUs at a disadvantage. For a time Intel’s compiler would not enable SSE/SSE2 codepaths on non-Intel CPUs, our assumption is that this is the specific complaint. To our knowledge this has been resolved for quite some time now.
Intel still practice this, it was resolved by way of Intel informing users of this, they turned it into an advert by simply saying "works better on Intel"
False advertising. This includes hiding the compiler changes from developers, misrepresenting benchmark results (such as BAPCo Sysmark) that changed due to those compiler changes, and general misrepresentation of benchmarks as being “real world” when they are not.
They still do this, you know how they keep showing +15% performance improvements for every generation since Sandy? what do they use to show that?
You can't trust Intel.