***********Official Saints Row: The Third Thread ***************

What's with the rolleyes? :confused: I pointed it out so he won't get suspended. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Re-read your post. Surely D.... is swearing? Or at least it was in my house whilst growing up.

Who cares? Really? Let the moderators care about it. If seeing that word offends you that much, stop using the internet.

Thank you.
Did I say it offends me? I don't get how you can say someone is breaking the rules or being offensive and then go and swear, which is against the rules and offensive to some.

If that offends you stop using the internet. Don't all get hurt.
Honestly mods, please can there be a rule against stars in thread titles. It's getting annoying.

You know those people who mark all their e-mails as high priority? Nobody likes those people.

They've been a part of thread titles years before you got here :p

I'm liking the look of this, found the first fun but the second was brilliant imo :)
Guy gets all ****** about a picture of a ***** weapon yet pictures of gore, decapitations and gunplay are all fine on this forum...are you American by any chance?
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