Known about but it's mainly due to UE4's sound engine which is getting a total rewrite for February (pushed back from December unfortunately).
The comments in this video suggest an apparent fix for the issue in the mean time -
Is it just 7.1, as 5.1 works great for me.
Glad it's a known problem....weirdly, it affects me because although I have a 5.1 speaker setup, my onboard soundcard (Realtek I think) needs to be set to 7.1 for the rear speakers to work....think I need to play around with the jacks on the back :/
Potentially stupid question about the game....headshots; do they count?
You'd think they do in a realistic shooter. But I ask because, in all the times I've been killed, I have always been revivable. Similarly, I don't think I've ever dropped anyone in one shot, even if I've been close enough to aim at the head.
I did wonder if it's simply a case that I've never taken a round in the head, (which in a game like this where you're often shooting little more than pixels, isn't totally surprising). But I would have thought that in all the times I've died, it would have been the result of a headshot at least once.
Just curious