Would a 6gb 1060 cut the mustard or do I need to go higher? Just seems weird that it is low no matter how low I set the settings. And it looks (obviously) terrible then.
Squad is very CPU dependant. I run a 4790k at 4.7 + 970 with a slight OC on and get around 50/60 fps on ultra at 1080p.
Really enjoying the game though. First game in so long that I have. Excellent team work good gameplay. Frankly it's helped enormously by having such a solid base of British lads.
Location filter for games when it's released. Counter strike lost it having to play Russians. So good at the moment.
The Russians tend to stick to their own Russian servers. They have a healthy community in Squad and tend not to venture too far!
Rockets are pretty under powered. Too many instances of the armoured vehicles ******* everyone's **** up taking hits and then scooting off because people are out of rockets.
HAT kit is a one hit kill against all armour currently in game.
Also if I'm a anti tank with a RPG launcher and then an enemy pops up at close range I should be able to drop the thing and get my gun out not neatly fold away the sites before getting my back up ak out.
Kind of working as intended. If you have your main weapon down then make sure your squad mates are covering you. Animation changes will come so you can interrupt weapon switching.
Also sharing ammo. We were pinned down and a couple lads were low on ammo. Would be nice to be able to share mags.
Maybe being able to put bipods on window sills.
Also coming.
Clarify the gun firing seems to hit window sills etc quite often. Guessing sights higher than barrel but should should lift gun to compensate. Makes it difficult to keep cover without compromising.
Bullets come from the barrel not the middle of the screen in Squad so make sure the muzzle is clear. Having said that, windows are currently annoying as hell and a "soft cover" system is in the works.
On the whole though a great game. Where graphics performance is a work in progress the audio more than makes up for it. Exceptional.
Thanks! Anders the sound guy is amazing. Looking forward to seeing what he can do with the helicopters
Not long before the next update then it's all about v10!