Some of the guys built a F2P VR game a while ago using Squad assets just for a test/getting to know the system.
You never know what's in store!
Back to Squad: We pushed out a couple of patches over the weekend with the aim of 1 more before it officially comes out:
We fixed a few issues that were found and are still working on others. We are pushing an update to the testing branch with the fixes that are already internally tested:
- Fixed a crash related to invalid climb data
- Fixed a crash in projectile flyby sounds
- Fixed custom server list showing licensed servers too
- Fixed player being in bipod state when revived after getting incapacitated in bipod
- Fixed climbing not getting stopped on incapacitation
- Fixed a skinning issue on TT-33
- Fixed TT-33 reload animation issue
- Improved bipod location detection to prevent sinking into the ground
- Fixed some Narva layers not rearming logi trucks
- Fixed Narva AASv3 not being able to lean on one flag
- Fixed Balaya minimap issues
- Fixed Belaya PAAS can't lean in tunnel
- Fixed immediate death after revival caused by a server correction causing fall damage
- Fixed a texture issue on Milita uniforms
- Fixed MAT-V M2 CROWS not dealing damage in some situations
- Fixed minimap icon issue on Ural truck with ZU-23
- Fixed weapon replication issue for players who just connected to the server
Another small update to the testing branch is live. It's mainly focused around performance improvements but the following bugs have been addressed aswell.
- Fixed floating roads and trees on Belaya
- Fixed a tree material on Chora
- Fixed motion blur issues
- Fixed stryker not taking damage from rockets in certain areas