***Official Squad Thread***

Hotfix 3.4

  • Tweaked the Dead Info HUD Widget to display different depending on if the map is open or closed
  • Fixed a US Ammo Crate starting unbuilt in Sumari
  • Fixed bunker collisions and material assignments
  • Fixed the Map Legend from not showing up
  • Fixed the Squad Leader right-click map menu from not showing up
  • Fixed a bug in the keybinding menu that prevented axis keys (Move keys, etc) from being rebound. Azerty keyboard users rejoice!
  • Fixed a case where players would fail to load into the game
  • Revised Forest, adding a new flag and new assets
  • Prevented a case when players would become more stuck if being teleported when stuck
  • Fixed the Join/Part spam from overflowing into the chat box. It now scrolls up instead of down.
  • Fixed a server crash when Squad leader is passed to a player who is disconnecting
  • Modified Fools Road. The river has been significantly updated and floating grass around the map has been properly taped down.
  • Added Chora

Known Issues:
  • Low View distance makes the iron sights go away on some settings. Fixed internally (missed the build by 15 minutes).
  • SL Markers all appear at 0,0,0 on the map.
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Troop transports are not that far away at all.

It's that time again!


These weeks are flying by way too quickly! The last Sunday night gang-bang before we go into Early Access. Lets make this a great one guys!

"All forum dwellers, mods, admins, devs, are encouraged to turn up."

Server: Paris, France #1. If any of you clan boys want to "donate" your server for the night let me know. Will make it easier for map restarts/changes.

If we can all start joining around 1945hrs GMT for a bit of a mess around followed by a map change/restart at 2000hrs GMT when we shall start the evenings shenanigans.

Hope to see you all there!
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We put a new build up on Steam this morning and this will be the build we release on steam for Early Access.

Alpha 3.5

  • Updated Fools Road. Added a new flag and a new log trench
  • Fixed an issue where View Distance set to Low would cause the ironsights on some weapons to not be displayed
  • Updated the description on Radios to explain the ticket loss when they are destroyed
  • Fixed a few cases where ammo crates would tell you the wrong key if you wanted to interact with them
  • Updated Militia on Forest
  • Renamed Chora to Chora AAS
  • Added Fools Road Skirmish
  • Fixed an issue where all markers on Chora would end up at 0,0,0.
  • Added Sumari Insurgency
  • Updated all Insurgency maps to give 30 tickets to the destroying team upon completion of their objective. Up from 10.
  • Fixed an issues where Kohat AAS was not showing up correctly in the server browser
  • Added Text Chat keybindings to the keybinding menu
  • Removed Turn Left and Turn Right from the default arrow keys. This allows other keys to be bound to them
  • Made a small optimization pass to the Animation System. You should see some FPS gains with multiple animating characters on the screen
  • Updated the Militia textures
  • Unified all fire-select weapons default to single-fire.
  • Made a pass on the lattice for Logar PAAS and reduced the ticket count
  • Fixed the russian backpack from being too shiney
  • Removed the SL2 variant of the Russian SL model. He'll be back pending a material fix
  • Fixed a number of animation distortions across multiple animations
  • The full scoreboard will now be shown when in observer cam
  • Updated the textures of the classic AKs

OOh no preload! How big is the client?

If nothing else changes before release then it's 3.4gb.
Yeah, a mate of mine mentioned it - is there anyway I can pre-load as my BB is crap and judging by the facts it's using UE4, it's going to be a considerable size and will take me the day to download :(

No pre-load unfortunately. The download will be (as long as there's no other changes) 3.4.gb.

How is the optimisation? I've got a 4770k and a 980.

You'll be fine. There's only really 2 major issues at the minute. The first is the animation system which needs an overhaul. All player animation info is sent to all other players regardless if they are being drawn on your screen or not which has some performance hit. I doubt your system will struggle with it though. In this mornings patch we made a small pass of the animation system so those that do struggle with this should hopefully get some frames back. Once we get emplacements and vehicles into the game, the plan is to rip out the anim system as do it all again.

The other issue is Unreal Engine 4 currently really does not like AMD cpus. The next engine update apparently is going to remedy *some* of this. Nothing much we can do our side, needs to be fixed by Epic. Luckily you're not running an AMD cpu so you'll be fine!
Hey all i had never even noticed this until right now !

It sounds brilliant , i better confess i bought Arma 3 on release and never made it online with it ever as i just didn't find the time.

Is this as Hardcore as Arma would you say ? I loved the Arma style of playing but i just couldn't commit to a big game like that due to family.

This year coming things should be easier.

I don't have loads of cash to spend on games i don't play but i loved that video and as i say i usually love a good tactical shooter - sim style , much more so than BF or COD etc

Those who have had their hand on this what do you think ?

Cheers all

You can just jump in a server, join a squad and you'll find tremendous amounts of team play. You won't find all the milsim talk in game either. Just jump in and have fun. I recommend jumping in as the plain rifleman to begin with. Tell your squad leader you're new and the majority will help you. Stick on the SL's rear like glue and you'll soon learn what's going on. I'll be running some "new guy friendly" squads come tomorrow so feel free to join if you see me on in the evenings.

To get the most out of the game though you really, really need a mic!
Thanks a lot for the reply , im excited by this and i will buy it i think!

I have a TrackIR from my Arma days, i assume i can use it for this as well ?

Mic is no problem i have that also. I'm liking the sound of this and i've promised myself more game time than i have had this year so i think this will be my purchase !

No TrackIR support out of the box yet. It's on the wish list but there's too many more important things we need to spend time on first.

Once we get in free look in game then that will hopefully change.
I've bought this game but haven't played yet, just got a quick question: Are the maps large enough that it is feasible for a small squad to act as recon? I love playing that role; watching the enemies from a distance while feeding back info to the rest of the team.

The majority of maps are certainly big enough. Just name your custom squad when you create it and make sure any randoms that join are told what you wish to do. You can use the G key to VoIP to only all squad leaders and inform them of enemy activity. They can then inform the rest of their squad.
Hot off the press!

Steam Release



The time is finally here.

At Midnight PST / 8AM UTC 15th December, Squad will finally be out to the public on Steam Early Access.

Its been 431 days since our unveiling back in late 2014, and with the combined efforts of more than 30 developers, contributors, QA testing support staff as well as our wonderfully supportive community, Squad is the kind of game it is now.

We would like to remind all our pre-purchasers that all keys have been distributed to your PayPal Email addresses, and to check your Spam folders in case your key got delivered there. Please direct all enquiries relating to key distribution and receipt to support (at) joinsquad (dot) com.

With our release on Steam Early Access, this means we can fully take advantage of its update distribution platforms and functions, and this means more regular updates and bug-fixes, as well as quicker turnarounds for feature content. More about this in a future update!

For all newcomers, don't be shy and take part in the bustling Squad Community where you can share your war stories, find a clan or friend, and give direct feedback to us.

Offworld Out.
Busy morning here, sorry!

3.6 Hotfix

  • Fixed an issue where limiting max players in command line wasnt working
  • Fixed a bleed and ticket issue in Kohat Radio Tower
  • Removed the Founders Skins pending full implementation

We're also on top of the top sellers on Steam currently which is nice :P
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