Should everyone have received it by now? Commander package and nothing over here.
My keys arrived at 08:07, and obviously using the e-mail you use on Kickstarter. Make sure you check your spam box.
It seems you're not the only one though, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Registered and passed the second onto a buddie, wanna try and get on tonight but stuck in work till 10pm
Will there be an in game friends list and I saw mention on an offline element, will this available during server downtime?
Looks like a few people not getting their keys this morning, hope they have enough people to sort this out before the games kick off tonight.
The following commands are in the shipping build of Squad for non-admin players
- "ShowNextMap", "ShowNextMap (Ask the server what the next map is)"
- "Suicide", "Suicide (Causes the player to commit suicide)"
- "ChangeTeams", "ChangeTeams (Change teams to the other side)"
- "ChangeTeamsWithId", "ChangeTeamsWithId <NewTeam> (Change teams to the specified team number, zero changes to the other side)"
- "CreateSquad", "CreateSquad <Name> (Request the creation of a squad, specifying the name)"
- "JoinSquadWithName", "JoinSquadWithName <Name> (Join a squad on our team with the following name)"
- "JoinSquadWithId", "JoinSquadWithId <Id> (Join a squad on our team with the following id)"
- "LeaveSquad", "LeaveSquad (Leave the squad we are currently in)"
- "CreateRallyPoint", "CreateRallyPoint (Drop a rally point for squad members to spawn from)"
- "Chat", "Chat \"<Message>\" <ChatType=All|Team|Squad> (Broadcast chat message)"
- "ChatToAll", "ChatToAll <Msg> (Chat to everyone)"
- "ChatToTeam", "ChatToTeam <Msg> (Chat only to same team)"
- "ChatToSquad", "ChatToSquad <Msg> (Chat only to same squad)"
- "DisableHudWidgets", "DisableHudWidgets (Removes all widgets on the HUD)"
- "DisableUI", "DisableUI (Removes the UI components from the screen)"
- "Stat FPS", "Stat FPS (Draw frame rate on screen)"
- "Stat Unit", "Stat Unit (Draws game, draw, and gpu times on screen)"
- "HighResShot", "HighResShot <Resolution/Multiplier> (take a screen shot, e.g., \"HighResShot 3840x2160\" or \"HighResShot 4\")"
- "r.SetRes", "r.SetRes <Resolution> (change screen resolution, \"r.setres 1920x1080f\")"
- "DemoPlay", "DemoPlay"
- "DemoRec", "DemoRec"
- "DemoStop", "DemoStop"
- "Disconnect", "Disconnect (Disconnects from server)"
- "Reconnect", "Reconnect (Reconnects to previous server)"
Do dead bodies despawn instantly or am I missing terribly?