******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

14 Jul 2003
WORK IN PROGRESS - Last update 2024/12/20


What is Star Citizen?

TLDR version
Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows, OS X and GNU/Linux.

It has two components:

Squadron 42
- The single player campaign. Completing this will allegedly lead that character into Star Citizen should you own the multiplayer version.
Star Citizen - Multiplayer persistent universe. They have mentioned customisable private servers, but this is an aspiration so don't bet on it.

You do not need to buy both, they will work independently of each other. Bare in mind pledging for ships is arguably only applicable to Star Citizen and won't as far as we know impact Squadron 42.

Funding model
Before you spend any money please consider doing one of the following first:

1. Read this thread, particularly more recent posts.
2. Ask questions before throwing any money at the game, the community on OCUK is generally very mature and helpful and you are likely going to get an honest assessment particularly from long-time backers of the project.
3. Try it for free, this happens 4-5 times a year.

If you do decide to buy please do so at the minimum level you can. Try not to fall for FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), "rare" ships are not a thing, they will be back on sale and you can earn them in-game. Likewise many OCUKers have ships they can lend you or take you for flights on, so you don't need more than a (starter pack - around £40) at this point. If you want to spend more, fine - but you've been warned, this game may never release and there is unlikely to be any refunds should it fail.

What is the setting?

Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service - essentially Squadron 42 as mentioned above). It is anticipated that Citizens will enjoy certain in-game benefits, for example paying a reduced tax rate or having easier access to interspecies trade,but the exact details are yet to be determined.

A strong focus will be placed on player interaction, with player behaviour influencing and being influenced by a dynamic economy system.

Star Citizen is currently being developed by Chris Roberts' Cloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011. Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander, Wing Commander: Privateer, Starlancer and Freelancer.

The game set a new crowdfunding record and has now amassed an incredible $492 million. (this changes constantly. I'm not even going to try to keep this updated.)

What is the official youtube channel?

There is regular content posted on the official Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RobertsSpaceInd

Want to know what what to expect or how to get started?

Organisations - the "Clans" of Star Citizen:
Anyone can found an organisation once they have purchased a starter pack of above in Star Citizen. There are several thousand organisations already created although they offer no specific in-game perks or abilities, so for the time being it's far from compulsory. My advice - go in game, make friends, consider joining their discord server! That way you'll find likeminded players, who play at the same time rather than you having to fit yourself into some groups random playing hours.

Jargon Buster for this thread:
AC = Arena Commander
CIG = Cloud Imperium Games
LTI = Lifetime insurance, identical to SHI in that it only covers the unmodified parts of the craft but without the cost of SHI. A tiny perk, do not obsess over it!
SC = Star Citizen
SC-PU = Star Citizen Persistent Universe
SHI = Standard Hull Insurance, covers only the base ship for a regular cost. Mods, upgrades and cargo are not covered.
SQ42 = Squadron 42
OB = Original Backers
ORG= Organisation, like clans, guilds or corporations in other games. You can be a member of one and affiliated with up to 9 others.
PU = Persistent Universe
UEC = United Earth Credits (Monetary unit in the PU)
UEE = United Earth Empire (The government of the Star Citizen universe)
VB = Veteran Backers


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Oh dear this copied from sc thread !

QUOTE "Do you guys remember all those threads on how Star Citizen will be a true space sim. Complex physics modelling, full support for HOTAS & pedals setups, etc etc. Oh yes, and people pooh-pooing Elite for being "simple and arcadey" in comparison.

Well, now we have the first look at how flying and core space-ship gameplay is shaping up in SC, and I'm looking at a very depressing picture. 3rd person perspective for situational awareness, and ships that chase the mouse and guns that track the mouse pointer. Fans of the ultra casual style of War Thunder, World of Warplanes and Freelancer will be right at home, but those who bought into the hype and got a HOTAS setup are shafted severely.

Just like in War Thunder it doesn't matter at all if the game technically supports joysticks. With a flight model where the ship chases the cursor and guns can be pointed at the same time, joysticks are pointeless and a mouse is the only real way to fly. If somebody wants to be really high-fi, I suppose a mouse and throttle may be the way to go.

Remember the discussions about the bad placement of the fixed class 1 mounts on the 300i? Looks like it turns out they aren't class 1 afterall. Instead they track the mouse cursor just like everything else.

gg, sim fans lose, casuals win " :eek:

Pointy-pointy click shoot! :rolleyes:
Yeah keep this one as long as the op will keep it up to date with updates of the game. Doubt Niel would keep it updated due to size etc. Plus fresh thread hopefully will be not just clan posters plugging lol.

Also glad to hear this isn't a game for joysticks as I have no intention of buying one there a dying breed since the mouse came IMO. Joystick doesn't equal sim its a choice if u want to use one but sims shouldn't need one especially when mice are great for space games.
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If you guys want I'll keep updating this for the time being, if you do want them to merge the threads though you'll need to ask a mod, more doing it the more likely it is to happen.

Devs released this image of them with the pre-release alpha..

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Oh dear this copied from sc thread ! ...

Pointy-pointy click shoot! :rolleyes:

I'm finding the opposite to be true, much better with a joystick imo...I can see people using turrets slaved to the Oculus Rift + HOTAS dominating in future.
I've noticed that even though I have the launcher open, P2P enabled and upload set at max mine doesn't actually send anything. Perhaps something they need to fix tbh.
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