There's a misunderstanding about the pvp slider making it "solo" in the community, ultimately until they've implemented it we won't know for sure but they've spoken at length about it not being a solo mode, that there will always be a chance of meeting up with miscreants and if you go looking in hostile territory that slider won't help you.
High security space down to low security space police(security) presence should scale and reactions should scale up and down accordingly. Once you get to non faction held and unexplored systems which will be dangerous places to fly NPC pirates, player pirates, vanduul etc there will be no organised security and a pvp slider should not even factor into this.
Having a slider is such a stupid idea, it overcomplicates the developtment of the game, oh yes lets all have to sync up our sliders so we appear in the same instance when attempting to multicrew. Yep lets waste lots of time trying to code this into the game. This is literally a minority in the game that wants these sort of horribly short sighted mechanics because they are so scared of "griefing" but there definition of griefing pretty much includes any sort of player interaction they don't like lmao.
Player skill and mechanics should be the importance here, if you jump into a system with an unshielded hauler with no armaments and no protection then you are running the risk of getting killed or pirated.
There should be no slider for stupid, if people want to play "solo" then they can go play ED.
The thing is if you wan't to stay in high pop NPC systems in the heart of NPC space then you will for the most part be safe. If you never wan't to leave a planet and run ur shop or farm or what ever tickles your fancy then go ahead and do so.
Don't try and introduce crappy ideas like a pvp interaction slider LMFAO so you can fly around and limit ur chances to see other players because you don't want to run the risk of being caught with ur pants down...
Got to be kidding me, its an absolute joke that people feel the need to be coddled in this way. Its like the recent safe space feminism is affecting the scifi genre in gaming now ffs.
People like this are going to hate this game when its released lol.
The type who say "I should have the right to jump into this hostile pirate star system and sell my wares without being shot at" and wish that the gameplay mechanics allow for this ala ED jumping into solo.
Nope it was sold as having it, whilst CR himself could scrap it there would be an outcry. Bare in mine ED doesn't really have a solo mode either, it's more an online but mostly offline mode, yeah no other players but you still have the impact of players on trade etc.
The way CIG are working it is very reminiscent of Ultima Online, it was essentially a PVP game until they released a patch which essentially created a carbon copy of the world but with tons of artificial rules in it that helped protect people, it was essentially a care-bear version of the same world and people flocked to it. However many stayed in the pvp area, preferring the added danger and opportunities it gave, despite staying there I was rarely attacked but I was still able to take advantage if someone died nearby or was horribly injured.. you know, I'm an opportunist lol .. he had a gun damn it!
Anyway the slider is here but it's mostly only going to influence the type of instance you are in, and that'll still be heavily dependent on where you are. In safe space, yeah it'll likely keep you entirely safe from players but you'll still face npcs. In less safe areas, not so much and in lawless space it'll likely have no impact at all.
For those of us who aren't too fussed about the slider I doubt it'll really impact us, most of the valuable stuff to find and trade in won't be in safe space after all. If carebears want the goods, they'll have to come out and play.
just in from work guys so probably won't be on, did pop on last night though - I'm trying out HOTAS again, still not sure I like it more than throttle/mouse but I'm a lot more accurate flying, just the age old gimbal/hotas issue.
""Well considering how unoriginal CIG is it would not be a surprise. CIG can't even make their own original concept art to sell their ships, they have to take art others have made.""
Over on the ED forums, lol that SC thread they have there is just full of hate, absolutely hilarious to read.
To be unnecessarily fair, theres a *slither* of truth, but 99% exaggeration and overstating of facts/claims. One of the artists (cant remember who, but a notable one iirc) re-used elements of other sci-fi images to create *backgrounds* to their concept art. So the ships themselves are legit, but the overall image which 'sold' the concept wasnt 100% original and ofc the hate brigade exaggerated the matter and the lazy casual hater remembers only what they want and repeat that, not the truth. iirc, it was the alien background on the BMM, so i'd imagine the artists name will be on those if anyone cares. I was thinking they were outsourced, but in further reflection i think they might actually have been in-house. Still, reality being twisted to reflect an agenda and then likely unknowingly repeated as truth by others. Their forum is a cesspool though it seems.
Got to be kidding me, its an absolute joke that people feel the need to be coddled in this way. Its like the recent safe space feminism is affecting the scifi genre in gaming now ffs.
I've snipped the majority of the middle paragraphs, but to a degree the slider was always something that interested me. Right now its hard to tell whether its needed, but the idea of the SC universe being turned into a DayZ or similar type of landscape, where you shoot on sight because you quickly realise its the only way you'll survive random encounters because others ended up taking that same attitude thats led to you constantly being killed without justification/provocation. Zombies are a threat for about 15min, then they're just something to be mindful of. People react to incidents caused by jerks masquerading as PVPers and a 'of course im going to shoot you for no reason, its pvp' justification, and everyone else gets worn down by them and you either quit or take measures to stay alive, by killing on sight too, and the original game is lost to a lawless deathmatch universe.
Thats my fear, because it only takes a few jerks to convert others to play the same to survive, or leave because its toxic.
Where im more optimistic is with the population not being 100% player with lightweight npc lifeforms (zombies, aliens, animals... whatever) to add fluff and a sense of life. If 90% of the characters are NPCs of competent skill, then theres a much greater outlook for things. IMO the most significant factor would be that your average gamer is less likely to feel like every encounter is kill or be killed, and so even if there are jerks who feel shooting everyone is the point of the game (bad pirates, as i'd call them, not trying to threaten for free cargo or credits, but just because pirates are baddies and they wanna shoot everyone) their toxic playstyle isnt going to bleed too much into other peoples and cause them to adopt the same attitude.
So im hopeful we wont need a slider to have an enjoyable universe, but its going to be hard to tell how it'll all unfold. I think the key thing is CIG dont want a Carebear or DayZ universe, so if they removed it, i'd imagine they'd balance it all out.
What concerns me more is orgs deciding they own blocks of space, and bit by bit, half the universe is 'occupied' in a manner comparable to Vanduul territory. Then you've got the huge org v org battles, and theres so much poop being flung you're gonna get hit.
Im just not into the combat side, i absolutely want pirates, because i dont want UEE Truck Simulator 2948, i want that risk, always looking over my shoulder. However i dont want DayZ, i dont want to forgo 90% of ships and need to haul using something like a Retaliator w/ cargo bays to stay safe, because a freelancer isnt gonna keep you alive.
I'd hope a slider isnt the solution, but if its not added and things turn hostile fast, its going to be a real problem.
Also, on the subject of Kareah... (only spoiler'd for the sake of replying but not taking up even more space)
a few wks back i somehow got flagged as a criminal despite seeing nobody, when i died i spawned at GrimHEX. I went to Kareah, wiped, and quit.
Last week i went in again, still a criminal, figured i'd try and wipe my status again. Got to my ship - instakilled. Tried again, got to Kareah, shot on sight moments after QD'ing in. Third time i was able to sneak past combat outside, heard multiple ships get blown up, including mine. I went through Kareah, guns holstered not wanting to be seen as a threat and go through all that again. As i was at the terminal, someone appeared on my mobiGlas tracking, also inside Kareah. I waited, following their erratic movement through the wall (thx!), and then they got to a doorway, and low and behold... i shoot them! yeah, i shot them, cos F these people shooting without provocation, right!?! Literally 2-3sec later my record was clean.
Now, i absolutely hate that sort of justification, i dont want to risk possibly dying, so i'll kill you to eliminate any possible risk. They could have been in the same situation i was in, not a criminal, but stuck with that record and just want to wipe it and get back to Olisar... but i've been burnt, so i became a 'cos pvp' player so i win.
It all comes back to what i mentioned above, fear breeding fear. If they we're looking for pvp and i won, fine. If they were harmless, maybe next time they'll be shooting someone else on sight cos they now know better. If they've been burnt before and would have shot me, because kill or be killed, well i've just reinforced that opinion. It breeds a hostile attitude.
Thats the problem with Kareah atm, IMO. You accidentally spray a friendly target and im guessing your now a criminal, and you'll always be considered a criminal cos theres no police or jail to punish us, only a record wiping machine known for being the fps area and people are getting easy aUEC killing criminals heading there.
So, without really knowing that reddit guys issue, i know from my own experiences its horrible when you just want to stay out of peoples way, thats the location for combat, and you need to head there. It being designed for PvP doesnt make it any easier to accept when your needing to get there and just want to get in, out, and leave everyone else to it.
Friendly fire is def a problem, people should have to report a criminal act IMHO, ships sensors could obviously be used as evidence but that information should also be part of information running.
Missed opportunity, auto-flagging as criminal may well be temporary though seeing as it's a test PU.
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