*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Fair enough. Sounds like a plan.

Anyway, how is the game? Seems like quite a big expense, plus, I'm not sure I'm a big fan of the whole Origin thing, is it worth getting? Currently having a bit of down time from Diablo 3 right now, whilst waiting for the next patch to come in...


I personally love the game, most of the complaints flying around are unfounded and with the server transfers coming in most of the legitimate problems will be solved.

The reason I have faith in this game is bioware seem to be really doing everything they can to make it work and they're happy to compensate us when things don't go as planned.

You can pick the game up for around £15 now and that's with a months game time too so not much of a expense if you just want to check it out. There's also a 7 day trial you can get too :)
The reason I have faith in this game is bioware seem to be really doing everything they can to make it work and they're happy to compensate us when things don't go as planned.

If that was true they'd have made the sub free or at least cheaper until the server transfer stuff is up and the server populations are stablised. Nothing more useless than an MMO with a lack of players when theres no cross realm fuctions to compensate (i.e. being on a quiet/dead WoW isn't entirely terrible since nothing stops you doing BG's, dungeons and now raids with the cross realm tools available)

As good as the game can be, there is a serious lack of mid to long term planning at Bioware otherwise they'd either never have got into the mess with the server pops (opened too many at launch due to QQ over queues) or fixed it much earlier by having a server transfer system ready for shortly after launch, not nearly 7 months later.
They appear to have been deluded on the game being successful on the get go [the amount of servers available also backs up that point], they've done themselves no favours by appearing to follow that mentality, no to mention releasing it early around Christmas when it should have been delayed till Spring, but the sales spoke louder than making sure the game was in a state to be released, as 1.2 and 1.3 should have been in the game when it was released in my opinion.
They appear to have been deluded on the game being successful on the get go [the amount of servers available also backs up that point], they've done themselves no favours by appearing to follow that mentality, no to mention releasing it early around Christmas when it should have been delayed till Spring, but the sales spoke louder than making sure the game was in a state to be released, as 1.2 and 1.3 should have been in the game when it was released in my opinion.

Agreed i am still enjoying swtor myself just played GW2 and all though a good game i will continue playing star wars as well
Any chance any of you guys have buddy codes or some such for trials ?? Wanted to give it a go and saw this:


so was wondering if anyone could throw me a code :) Outraged_Wizard[at]hotmail[dot]com

Thanks in advance!!!

PS I can trade for Eve Online 21 Day trial if wanted.

I will send you a invite m8 ;)

Ps you will need to use a different email as this one wont work :/
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In an ideal world the game would have been released with most of the features from 1.2 and 1.3 but we need to appreciate the deadlines and lets be honest the launch was pretty darn smooth.

I agree they opened up too many servers but I can understand why they did, you've got this super hyped game being launched to massive sales, huge IP behind it and players crying over game queues - They thought it was a runaway success and being a new player in the MMO market they dont have all the foresight to deal with these things.

Reading most of the complaints these days it just seems people are bitter, the game is actually very good.
Agreed i am still enjoying swtor myself just played GW2 and all though a good game i will continue playing star wars as well

Same, it gives me my Star Wars fix as well.

Also, i have 25 referrals left for a free trial, but for some stupid reason it's saying i've reached the maximum referrals, so i can't seem to give out free trials currently.
Same, it gives me my Star Wars fix as well.

Also, i have 25 referrals left for a free trial, but for some stupid reason it's saying i've reached the maximum referrals, so i can't seem to give out free trials currently.

Hey have been having serious issues with certain email addresses strange i have 10 left but Hotmail always gives me problems :(
I'm almost embarressed how excited I am about these transfers. I'm more excited than the actual game launch!

I am not as sadly my rp-pvp serve has not got a destination server as lord calypho rip where my mains are hope the devs sort us out on a pvp server instead
The free transfers won't let you change server types. The paid transfers in the future might but theres been no word from Bioware either way on that front.
I read a magazine article about the issues this game is having, are things really that bad, when i played at beginning at the year everyone loved it?,,,,,
I read a magazine article about the issues this game is having, are things really that bad, when i played at beginning at the year everyone loved it?,,,,,

No they aren't, i like the game a lot, play it everyday, but endgame is the only rather bad part that stands out for me.
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