*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Bump again for anyone who can throw me a 7 day pass (hopefully without errors) to ranmier[at]blueyonder[dot]co[dot]uk and as I said before, happy to give 21 day buddy invites to EvE Online if wanted.

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your patience as we continue to gradually open up new servers for free character transfers. The vast majority of transfers are being completed successfully, but we have discovered a very rare issue that can occur during the transfer process that will require us to perform a brief maintenance tonight from 2AM CDT (12AM PDT/3AM EDT/8AM BST/9AM CEST/5PM AEST) to 4AM CDT (2AM PDT/5AM EDT/10AM BST/11AM CEST/7PM AEST). The game servers and SWTOR.com will be unavailable during this time. Due to this issue, we will not be opening any new servers today for free character transfers, but rest assured that we will resume tomorrow morning.

For those of you that are currently eligible for character transfers, in order to prevent this rare issue from occurring, please log out of your current game session before you initiate the character transfer process.

Thank you all for your patience, and we look forward to opening more servers for transfers tomorrow!
Bump again for anyone who can throw me a 7 day pass (hopefully without errors) to ranmier[at]blueyonder[dot]co[dot]uk and as I said before, happy to give 21 day buddy invites to EvE Online if wanted.


I have tryed and failed as there is issues with the friends system once up and running I will sort you out
It's been coming for a while, but I just unsubbed. The reason I gave:
The PvP is terrible – I spend the vast majority of my time rooted to the ground, stunned, or bouncing around like a pinball. I’m not paying to play a character that I can barely control. I may check back again in the future, but if this is how PvP is intended to be, then I won’t be staying.​
Really sad that the game is so bad for PvP. They gave every class a ton of ways to put you out of control of your character, and it's made PvP a total cluster****. It's a shame, as if you get into a group with a bunch of lowbies who don't have alls those abilities yet it's really fun, but once you hit top level it's like 8v8 frost mages, and they all have knockbacks.

Oh well, on to the next MMO. :(
Is there a trial for this yet?

I could attempt to send you one, but the referral system is borked the last time i tried to send a free trial to someone and i had 25 referrals left, but i can give it a go again.

Thanks. Look forward to trying this so may order up the game up anyway. What server do you play on (or are transferring too).

I am on The Red Eclipse good server i mostly pvp on it even though its a pve server it had the numbers and that's what i was looking for
Hmm, still no sign of Frostclaw, I was hoping that would be a destination server. I hope to god they don't view it as being sufficiently populated.
It's been coming for a while, but I just unsubbed. The reason I gave:
The PvP is terrible – I spend the vast majority of my time rooted to the ground, stunned, or bouncing around like a pinball. I’m not paying to play a character that I can barely control. I may check back again in the future, but if this is how PvP is intended to be, then I won’t be staying.​
Really sad that the game is so bad for PvP. They gave every class a ton of ways to put you out of control of your character, and it's made PvP a total cluster****. It's a shame, as if you get into a group with a bunch of lowbies who don't have alls those abilities yet it's really fun, but once you hit top level it's like 8v8 frost mages, and they all have knockbacks.

Oh well, on to the next MMO. :(

No offense but it looks like the problem you have with the PvP lies with you rather than the game. When I first started PvP with my undergeared operative I was amazed how quickly I died and how much CC there was but after sticking with it for a few days I adapted to the system and acquired some better gear. I can honestly say now this is by FAR one of the better PvP systems I've played.

Certain classes are imbalanced in some warzones due to utility (ahem assassin tanks in huttball) but working with decent players and actually using tactics rather than just trying to deathmatch everyone I've been able to have great success even using my horribly undergeared alts.

Sorry it didn't work out for you but I can assure other players the pvp in this game is very good indeed, far far better than WoW.
The PvP is all about CC, the only way to combat that with my classes [Smuggler and Bounty Hunter] is to choose the far right tree, as they provide CC breakers, prevention etc, so PvP is easy now for me as i'm specced to break CC's, restore energy etc.
I'm calling it now, paid shill.

I wish! I'd happily take some money to big up a game but alas that isn't the case, although if I was a paid shill I doubt I'd admit it.

Is it that hard for you to believe someone else likes a game you dont? I love PvP in swtor and honestly believe it's far far far superior to WoW. There are plenty of other people who PvP who share that opinion or are we all paid shills?

Tactics are vastly more important in warzones than in battlegrounds, I've won games with undergeared players by coordinating and organising the movement vs (majority) full BM players. Sure you can argue that skill is a factor but in WoW gear makes such a huge difference it's almost impossible to win when you're still getting your gear.
I actually like it too, I'm still subbed. I just think you seem to be jumping on anyone who dares to mention the genuine problems the game has. It's not all sunshine and roses, and pretending it is just makes you look suspicious.

Bioware/EA made some very fundamental mistakes with a licence that many people feel very passionate about. Don't insult people's intelligence by suggesting that they are the problem, not the game.
Here's hoping they open a lot more servers today for transfer, havent played my 50 on frostclaw for months.
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I am very vocal on numerous forums about the actual problems the game has and my posts are far from sunshine and happiness all the time. I call it as I see it and in my opinion the PvP in this game is very well balanced, engaging and most importantly a great deal of fun. If you are having a problem getting owned in pvp you're either playing against better people, maybe a gear difference or the problem is you're not very good. Sorry if that insults you're intelligence but it's a viable possibilty.

The server transfers have been handled well, bioware did exactly what they said they would do and I don't feel it's appropriate to blame them because certain players didn't bother to read their releases. I don't think i've spoken about any other topics on this forum so I'm not sure what else you're referring to.

I think a large part of the problem is this game appeared to be all things to all people. What I mean by that is the crafters were promised amazing crafting, the pvpers were promised huge open world battles and so on. This leads a lot of players to feel let down because the game isn't as good as they imagined it to be. Bioware are to blame for the over hyping of the game to a large degree but looking at it objectively I still think this game is very very good and the plans bioware have for the future seem exciting.

What problems do you think the game has?
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