*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Yip yip. Really happy with the transfer so far. Moved all my characters instantly, total time to move 4 characters was about 2 minutes. Around 3-400 players on the fleet, no queues to log in, no lag from the extra people, warzone queues are about 1 minute max.

Only negative really is all the people spamming their guild recruitment messages but I just chucked them on ignore for a few days until it calms down.

Havent checked out the gtn yet but so far this is superb. Nightmare Lands will be my gaming home for quite some time!
I haven't heard of any upcomming promotions but I believe they did something similar to that when they launched 1.2 so it wouldn't shock me if they repeated it for 1.3

1.3 should be due in a few weeks (hopefully)
Yip yip. Really happy with the transfer so far. Moved all my characters instantly, total time to move 4 characters was about 2 minutes. Around 3-400 players on the fleet, no queues to log in, no lag from the extra people, warzone queues are about 1 minute max.

Only negative really is all the people spamming their guild recruitment messages but I just chucked them on ignore for a few days until it calms down.

Havent checked out the gtn yet but so far this is superb. Nightmare Lands will be my gaming home for quite some time!

Same. Very nice to see activity. Its amazing how having other people around actually changes the game experience significantly.
Levelling up the past weeks this game felt like a single player experience.
And its amazing how I was literally ready to uninstall/stop playing this but luckily took note of the server transfers.

The transfers have breathed life into the game. But then one could argue that this should have been there in the first place, especially considering its a service we're all paying for.
Yip yip. Really happy with the transfer so far. Moved all my characters instantly, total time to move 4 characters was about 2 minutes. Around 3-400 players on the fleet, no queues to log in, no lag from the extra people, warzone queues are about 1 minute max.

Only negative really is all the people spamming their guild recruitment messages but I just chucked them on ignore for a few days until it calms down.

Havent checked out the gtn yet but so far this is superb. Nightmare Lands will be my gaming home for quite some time!

No lag wtf i get 20fps on the fleet with my i7 6970 damn
The supposed engine optimisations coming with 1.3 will be the real decider for me. If they're as good as people are saying, the game might finally be worth a sub ;)
ToFN has ridiculous amounts of server lag at the moment, to the point when it took me over 10 seconds standing in the entrance for Denova before it began loading!
I have no idea what I'm doing differently to not get lag. I have a i5-2500k @4.5 , 560ti 448 and 8 gigs of ram so nothing really amazing there. I do have the game on a SSD which might be making the difference but my FPS (using the game counter) was never below 30 with a average of around 50.

My friend was underperforming in relation to his spec and he managed to fix it by wiping his hard drive and reinstalling window, installing direct x 9 tweak and then setting the game to run in XP service pack 3 mode, not sure if you've tried those. I'll try and find the original link to the tips when I get 10 minutes.
I have no idea what I'm doing differently to not get lag. I have a i5-2500k @4.5 , 560ti 448 and 8 gigs of ram so nothing really amazing there. I do have the game on a SSD which might be making the difference but my FPS (using the game counter) was never below 30 with a average of around 50.

My friend was underperforming in relation to his spec and he managed to fix it by wiping his hard drive and reinstalling window, installing direct x 9 tweak and then setting the game to run in XP service pack 3 mode, not sure if you've tried those. I'll try and find the original link to the tips when I get 10 minutes.

Which tweaks would that be?
Perhaps I used the wrong terminology, you'll have to excuse me I'm only a casual enthusiast of PC's and gaming.

From what I understand there are some parts of the game the use old DX9 systems so by reinstalling DX9 you can gain a FPS boost which was fairly significant in a lot of cases.

Hope this helps, I think there's a really thorough post on the swtor forums but I can't access that from work so I would suggest googling for it if you need more info.
Hi guys and gals

I have been away from SWTOR for a while and have missed a lot of information and transfer details.

I was wondering if I could inquire where a PvP orientated BH should transfer to, I am on Frostclaw and logged on last weekend for a looksee and had 34 peeps on the fleet mid-day.

be nice to join some OCUK people but if all are on the light side of the force and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

thank you in advance
Hi guys and gals

I have been away from SWTOR for a while and have missed a lot of information and transfer details.

I was wondering if I could inquire where a PvP orientated BH should transfer to, I am on Frostclaw and logged on last weekend for a looksee and had 34 peeps on the fleet mid-day.

be nice to join some OCUK people but if all are on the light side of the force and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

thank you in advance

You are only allowed to transfer to certain servers selected by Bioware and you can't change server type so PvP servers can only move to PvP servers and so on. I'm pretty sure Frostclaw can only move to Nightmare Lands which is the server I'm on, come on over mate it's pretty fun so far!

To transfer just log into the swtor website and select transfer, it'll then tell you all the criteria you need to move (like emptying mailbox etc.) and you can start the process off. Not sure what the times are like now but my transfers were literally instant.
You are only allowed to transfer to certain servers selected by Bioware and you can't change server type so PvP servers can only move to PvP servers and so on. I'm pretty sure Frostclaw can only move to Nightmare Lands which is the server I'm on, come on over mate it's pretty fun so far!

To transfer just log into the swtor website and select transfer, it'll then tell you all the criteria you need to move (like emptying mailbox etc.) and you can start the process off. Not sure what the times are like now but my transfers were literally instant.

thank you for getting back to me :)

I will have a look later this week and transfer, so we are limited to one server? ah well, I unfortunately cannot dedicate for raid times so PvP is where I spend my time and in future will be looking for rated pvp action if I am not stolen away by a different game.

have you tried some WZ's? long waits?

I will definitely look into this a bit more :)
Since I moved to Nightmare Lands (the same option you have) the pvp queues are pretty much instant. You're looking at a max wait time of a few minutes and these went on well into the night.

I know that pvp servers will have a heavier pvp focus but there are plenty of pvp guilds on pve servers. I know a guild called Space Cats from my old server are 100% pvp and they're on the republic side of Nightmare Lands now, I also now a few players who are looking to start a pvp guild so I don't think you have anything to worry about there.

In summary, transfer, find a pvp guild easily, enjoy short pvp q's, ????, profit.
moved from frostclaw to Nightmare lands last night.....good to see a busy server.

Was gutted to loose all of my character names though. 34 days played on my main and now will have to get used to being called something else in gchat and vent :( Its just not the same!
The supposed engine optimisations coming with 1.3 will be the real decider for me. If they're as good as people are saying, the game might finally be worth a sub ;)

1.3 adds so much performance i was so surprised, do you remember me slating the game engine a few weeks back on here? lol

If 1.3 is what it is on the PTS ppl will be so happy, i played WZs at a constant 60 FPS never had any drops to 40-50s with any stuttering.

The game looks far more vibrant

Ability delay appears to be gone

I think they have optimized the loading of textures so so much.

The game overall felt so much responsive, the dreaded Hero Engine has been optimized at long last

Roll on 1.3 :)
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