*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

i still can't work out why they've transferred people to servers that were already busy. Why not do a simple consolidation?
Because this way they get to effectively merge severs without saying they're merging servers which is much much better from a PR point of view.
Oooh nightmare lands - going to transfer 7 of my toons I think; will leave my main to discuss with guild before I pull the trigger!

Whats your toons name? ill transfer all my credits and gear to you as Nightmare lands in no good to me as my toons are elsewhere now.
7 Toons transferred to Nightmare lands


Were taken and my LEgacy name of Starshadow was also :(


Stárshadow are the repalcements.

Luckily managed to keep my Legacy name for my main character :D

has It's a Tarp been transferred?

Edit: If anyone has a spare 10 minutes to give me a hand on a mission let me know :) - Revent
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Be interested to see if a guild pops up from the transfers to Nightmare Lands, there will be 4-5 of us a mixed group of chars over from Peragus Mining later this evening.

We have been pottering along in a small social group of 5 since launch and really need to break into HM's and OPs.

No idea on destination names as yet as I need to clear out their mail boxes before I can transfer.
Ok so got my transfer on the way to Nightmare Lands...

Was this a popular server before?

EDIT: Azrael! Send me a mail or something ingame so we could group up sometime...
Junso/Humpa/Scruff/Ultana/Roxette,Osha now taken on Nightmarelands :D Only had to change Roxy to Roxette.

Got to keep Skyreaver legacy
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