what is the best sniper build after 1.2 please?
Read that lethality has taken over from MM but somebody in game just said engineering until lvl 30 and then change to lethality after that, is that correct?
I've only just got my IA Sniper to lvl 14 last night, but i have 2 lvl 50 Gunslingers that i have recently been trying different specs out on.
So... it depends

On how you like to play. Mostly static then marksman, some static then engineering, mostly mobile then Lethality.
To be honest I do not think it makes much difference pre lvl 50, my first GS i lvl'd as sharpshooter(marksman) the second as Dirty Fighting (Lethality). Both are viable but do have slightly different play styles.
My currently played GS is Sab spec'd (Engineering) but I think I'll see how SS (MM) is now with the damage increase added in last patch.
Anyway, all my own opinion of course, but I wouldn't worry about it too much pre lvl 50, just try them out and see how you get on.
Oh, and I think you're on ToFN? If so, feel free to give me a wave, My IA is named Jaxal