*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

quite a few of us want to finish the whole story without skipping the fillers ^^

There's too much content to cover it all with a single toon. You're better off concentrating on one or two planets per toon, and just doing the class stuff / main planet quest for the rest. You'll just outlevel it all and get bored otherwise.
quite a few of us want to finish the whole story without skipping the fillers ^^

I totally understand that. Some people will not want to roll alts so would very much like to do every quest on the main to experience everything.

But 'Wes fundamental argument was around experience gain. In my opinion it is unreasonable to expect anything other than a reduced xp gain when questing at lower levels, otherwise you will be at lvl 50 half way through the game with a handful of planets still to discover. Bioware want class quests to be challenging, they simply wont be if you're level 50 questing against a level 35 boss, for example!
There are only 4 or so class quests on each planet. i Suggest you do these and more to the next planet. The other quest are just fillers to provide with the necessary xp and gear to move on and be competitive.

If you are doing space missions, PvP, heroics and flashpoint's you don't need to do a lot of the (what i call) 'filler' quests. But if you don't like doing the above activities and strictly want to stick to planet stories they are there.

Seems a good system to me.

This is exactly what I do. I get to a new planet and do my class quests first. If I’m not at the level I should be for the next planet I stay and do the “filler” quests until I’m at that level to move on. I also do a number of WZ’s and try do a FP each night too.

Wes, at 37 you should be at least on Hoth, Alderaan is from level 28-32, Balmorra 32- 36( but as somebody mentioned is how you want to tackle each planet)

Here you go this gives you a good outline and this is what I follow.

Ive got to say Im loving the Sith Warrior Story line, level 36 atm and on Quesh.

However I was just wondering were any of you guys a bit underwhelmed by Dromund Kaas when you first arrived?

I realise they have to differentiate from Corruscant, however as capital of the Sith Empire I expected more than just jungle with a medium sized city in the middle. I aniticipated at least a city world with Imperial architectre and maybe a few ruins you can visit like the dark temple but as it stands its just dosnt feel like the capital of a few billion strong empire. :(
I was actually very pleasantly surprised by Dromund Kaas. Not the size, obviously, but I thought it had great atmosphere - the heavy sky, the lightning and the jungle. I was expecting just a darker version of coruscant.
I was actually very pleasantly surprised by Dromund Kaas. Not the size, obviously, but I thought it had great atmosphere - the heavy sky, the lightning and the jungle. I was expecting just a darker version of coruscant.

I agree absolutely, i thought the atmosphere was brilliant but it just didnt feel...well lived in. Its the capital of the Sith Empire for goodness sake, the Empire that pushed the Republic to the brink of destruction and there capital is this tiny little city in an overgrown and ruined planet.
I was actually very pleasantly surprised by Dromund Kaas. Not the size, obviously, but I thought it had great atmosphere - the heavy sky, the lightning and the jungle. I was expecting just a darker version of coruscant.

Nar Shaddaa is Coruscant v2.
I hated Nar Shaddaa :p

Just finished Chapter 1 on my sniper, and they're sending me back there. I feel another alt coming on :D

I like Nar Shaddaa, reminds me of the Blade Runner. I'm waiting for Harrison Ford to jump out and start flighting :D

I'm really trying to get my Assassin to 50, but started playing my sniper again and I cant stop. I'm enjoying it that much.
I quite like Nar Shaddaa too.

Didn't really like the Sith Warrior storyline.
Didn't really like the Sith Inquisitor storyline either.
Also didn't like the Trooper storyline either.
Not enjoying the Smuggler storyline so far, or the Bounty Hunter or either of the Jedi ones. I've heard the Imperial Agent storyline is good, so really must try that one at some point.

Anyone know what today's patch is for?
I quite like Nar Shaddaa too.

Didn't really like the Sith Warrior storyline.
Didn't really like the Sith Inquisitor storyline either.
Also didn't like the Trooper storyline either.
Not enjoying the Smuggler storyline so far, or the Bounty Hunter or either of the Jedi ones. I've heard the Imperial Agent storyline is good, so really must try that one at some point.

Anyone know what today's patch is for?

Doesn't leave you with much then ;)

This is the patch


Corrected an item-related issue to prevent a serious economic exploit.

This is why they did the patch..Stephen Reid wrote a long post too but I cant find it.

Action being taken against exploits and cheats

We place a high priority on ensuring a safe and fair game environment within Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As part of this, we continually monitor the live game service for exploits and cheats within the game. Anyone found to be in violation of our Terms of Service risks action being taken on their game account, up to and including the possibility of being permanently banned from play.

With Game Update 1.2, new measures were put in place to improve our detection of exploits, particularly in relation to 'speed hacking' and teleport cheats. With the help of this improved detection, we recently took action against hundreds of game accounts. In many cases these accounts were permanently removed from the game after being investigated by our Terms of Service team, who double-check every detected account to ensure fair rulings.

Moving forward, we will continue to improve and upgrade our detection methods, but we still need your help. If you witness what you believe to be an exploit while playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, please notify Customer Service by clicking the '?' icon in the game client (by default, situated at the top of your screen). Every reported incident is reviewed by our Terms of Service team and action will be taken when warranted.

Thank you for your continuing cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and fair environment in Star Wars: The Old Republic!
I've heard the Imperial Agent storyline is good, so really must try that one at some point.

I've tried a load of them on both sides, and the IA is the only one that's kept my attention. It's actually the only one I've stuck to the end of chapter 1 with, finally got my legacy surname the other night.
Cancelled again for a 2nd time. Game not keeping my attention.

I think Bioware made a mistake with companions, makes soloing too easy. In a MMO it should be about grouping.

Sad that I cant keep interested in the game.

Might try SWGEmu for my fix
Any of you still playing on the Tomb server? I'm thinking of leaving my 6 50's behind on my original server until transfers come in. I rolled on a US server as my guild i've been with since 2004 went there, but i'm now the last one left and there are literally no queue pops until late at night and even then not many unless i jump on my Imp toons and do same faction WZ's over and over which isn't really my idea of star wars pvp. Pain in the bum.

I really didn't want to level another toon but made a little Jedi Shadow last night to 16 on the Tomb server seeing as the GW2 beta weekend is having the usual stress test type problems. Was nice to see 100+ people on Corscant for a change.
So, I bought this game on release but did not have any chance to play. I have just resubbed and looking to get involved properly this time around.

Are any of the OCUK guilds actually active?
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