*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

I've only just got my IA Sniper to lvl 14 last night, but i have 2 lvl 50 Gunslingers that i have recently been trying different specs out on.

So... it depends :)
On how you like to play. Mostly static then marksman, some static then engineering, mostly mobile then Lethality.

To be honest I do not think it makes much difference pre lvl 50, my first GS i lvl'd as sharpshooter(marksman) the second as Dirty Fighting (Lethality). Both are viable but do have slightly different play styles.

My currently played GS is Sab spec'd (Engineering) but I think I'll see how SS (MM) is now with the damage increase added in last patch.

Anyway, all my own opinion of course, but I wouldn't worry about it too much pre lvl 50, just try them out and see how you get on.

Oh, and I think you're on ToFN? If so, feel free to give me a wave, My IA is named Jaxal :D

Thanks for that mate. Just got to level 15. I might just stick with Eng then and move to leathality later, my play style is more on the mobile side but I like the look of the Eng tree with all the different probes etc.

Saying that I'm trying to get my Assassin to level 50 so will not play the IA that much. I just like mixing it up a bit.

I am on ToFN, I will add you tonight.

Assassin - dirkadirka
IA - durkadirka

Is there anyway to force AA with a 6 series AMD card?

AA dosent work on the in-game video settings and i know people with AMD cards report AA not working with this game?

I force it through CCC, but i have a 7 series card and it worked on my 5 series card beforehand as well.
mox parser is great, gives some nice realtime data and allows some analysis later.

We also use askmrrobot to load combat logs for people who dont want to use mox because its an .exe
I'm hoping to pick this game up in a couple of weeks if they put on a good special offer to try combat Diablo 3 ( will also be playing D3)
Are there any promotions like recruit a friend in SWTOR?
Levelling takes the **** as you get higher, might have to do some PvP to accelerate the levelling process.
eh? it went at a perfectly acceptable level i thought. i would have been disappointed if i reached cap in a couple of weeks.

I'm not cap, i've been playing for a few months casually, but because i'm a higher level than the planets i'm on [level 37 on Alderaan], it's taking ages.
I'm not cap, i've been playing for a few months casually, but because i'm a higher level than the planets i'm on [level 37 on Alderaan], it's taking ages.

i played 'fairly' casually, i didn't sit grinding like some people did and i always finished the planet i was on for the story aspect. i still preferred it to the levels just flying by, things like WoW are easy and almost disappointing now that you seem to level up every half hour. the problem is you don't wanna rush to finish anyway because most people don't much like the endgame, so savour your levelling days while they last :P
I'm not cap, i've been playing for a few months casually, but because i'm a higher level than the planets i'm on [level 37 on Alderaan], it's taking ages.

Just do your class quests until you're on a planet of an appropriate level then?
Nah, i'm not skipping planets, i like to do everything despite it's getting annoying not getting a lot of XP.

There are only 4 or so class quests on each planet. i Suggest you do these and more to the next planet. The other quest are just fillers to provide with the necessary xp and gear to move on and be competitive.

If you are doing space missions, PvP, heroics and flashpoint's you don't need to do a lot of the (what i call) 'filler' quests. But if you don't like doing the above activities and strictly want to stick to planet stories they are there.

Seems a good system to me.
There are only 4 or so class quests on each planet. i Suggest you do these and more to the next planet. The other quest are just fillers to provide with the necessary xp and gear to move on and be competitive.

If you are doing space missions, PvP, heroics and flashpoint's you don't need to do a lot of the (what i call) 'filler' quests. But if you don't like doing the above activities and strictly want to stick to planet stories they are there.

Seems a good system to me.

quite a few of us want to finish the whole story without skipping the fillers ^^
I started off doing that, but after/during your 2nd character those extra missions just get stale and I'd much rather do just my class story and spend the rest on PvP/FPs etc.
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