*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

While Bioware seems to be on a mission to suicide their own game (todays patch added bug is the removal of all equipped matrix shards, they've pretty much just vanished into the abyss for everyone that had them equipped), over 1 mil subs is nothing to complain about at this stage.

I suspect theyre concentrating on the 25% drop in subs though, although theyve gone from 'everything is fine' to 'SWTOR only makes up a small percentage of our profits'. It really is the first time theyve had to admit an issue, hopefully it will speed up changes to consolidate their current player base, like server merges for instance. They would have to be mad to leave it too long.
What surprised me the most is they only have 1.3million across 38 countries.. thats barely 35,000 people per country, and to think even a title like guild wars which to me personally was dire and didnt appeal at all to me still managed to sell roughly 7 million copies!

Pretty pathetic really. Bioware bit off more than they can chew imho and with EA behind the scenes they have all but tarnished a good name with swtor.

I'll certainly think twice about buying any Bioware game again or I may just bypass them entirely like the rest of EA's titles.
They've changed the PvP quest again today, it's now 6 games played rather than 3 games won.
A win counts as two games played.

Quality of life change for the people that keep getting stomped by premades.

Thats totally stupid, on a dead server your only likely to get 2 -3 WZs a night. makes it even harder now. could go 3 - 4 days until one daily is complete. This has killed pvp on all dead servers.
Thats totally stupid, on a dead server your only likely to get 2 -3 WZs a night. makes it even harder now. could go 3 - 4 days until one daily is complete. This has killed pvp on all dead servers.

I have no idea where you're coming from here.

A win counts as two games played.

Did you miss that bit ?

There is no possible way that the change can make it take longer to get the quest done...only quicker...
What surprised me the most is they only have 1.3million across 38 countries.. thats barely 35,000 people per country, and to think even a title like guild wars which to me personally was dire and didnt appeal at all to me still managed to sell roughly 7 million copies!

Pretty pathetic really. Bioware bit off more than they can chew imho and with EA behind the scenes they have all but tarnished a good name with swtor.

I'll certainly think twice about buying any Bioware game again or I may just bypass them entirely like the rest of EA's titles.

The big test will come around July/August. When all the initial 6 month subs + 1 free month come to an end. I for one will not be renewing then. I'm guessing there will be a few more with the same thinking.
Do I still get the usual ammount of social points if I do flashpoints beneath my character level? Or is it similar to the xp points received system?

Sometimes I can't get enough players to do the flashpoint i'm planning on, so would happily help out with lower levels ones (for a whopping 5xp), but would like to know i'm getting something else for it (social points).

Also; big thanks to the guys who explained orange gear, GTN etc to me, I picked myself up a nice battlemind outfit last night to keep me going until I get to lvl 50. Character looks smart now, thanks.
Do I still get the usual ammount of social points if I do flashpoints beneath my character level? Or is it similar to the xp points received system?

Sometimes I can't get enough players to do the flashpoint i'm planning on, so would happily help out with lower levels ones (for a whopping 5xp), but would like to know i'm getting something else for it (social points).

Also; big thanks to the guys who explained orange gear, GTN etc to me, I picked myself up a nice battlemind outfit last night to keep me going until I get to lvl 50. Character looks smart now, thanks.

I don't think they would decrease due to your level, in fact I remember reading that the most efficient way to 'farm' social points was to have 4 level 50's going through Esseles or Black Talon (depending on faction) repeatedly. You get more points if you have more players and with 50's it only takes about 10 mins, maybe slightly more, to do a run.

But honestly, I'd just play the game normally, do what you enjoy and let social points build up as you group, you'll probably do some flashpoints at 50 anyway, and you can always farm Esseles later with a proper group for it if there is something you really want from social points (its all cosmetic or speeders I think so nothing vital).
Are Kill HIM not ME newer, never seen them before? Drop it like it's Hoth have been around since day one; friend of mine is a Sniper in their guild; my Guild merged with one of the other big PvE guilds on Rep Side (Halcyon Affinity) so we have a pretty good raid setup now, I will get to try the new Op tonight after my trip, looking forward to it.


To be honest I dont know how long they've been around...a while though :)
Had another good run in PvP last night after our EC raid, first match was huttball it was an all premade Rep team :) Divine Retribution and Dawn of the Republic...was over in less than 5 mins.

Even better there was someone on from our adversory guild (shame nothing ever really came of those from when we all chose them at the start)

What did you think of EC? its got some interesting mechanics in it and definately a 2 tank Ops. Which is good...cept one of our tanks is taking a break so we're a main tank short, having to put people on alts to tank which is fine but not what they really want to do
To be honest I dont know how long they've been around...a while though :)
Had another good run in PvP last night after our EC raid, first match was huttball it was an all premade Rep team :) Divine Retribution and Dawn of the Republic...was over in less than 5 mins.

Even better there was someone on from our adversory guild (shame nothing ever really came of those from when we all chose them at the start)

What did you think of EC? its got some interesting mechanics in it and definately a 2 tank Ops. Which is good...cept one of our tanks is taking a break so we're a main tank short, having to put people on alts to tank which is fine but not what they really want to do

I quite enjoyed it, it turns out Halcyon Affinity who were a pretty good PvE Guild have merged with mine - so we are able to run 16mans.

We did the Voss World Boss and Story Mode 16 EC last night; both were good fun - I can see EC being a right pain on Hard Mode though, but fun! I wasn't to fresh on my DPS last night as just coming back into it - but we was using this parser thing to which was cool... SO MUCH CHANGE!!
In other words, if you want to transfer to one of the currently popular ones, you'll have to pay for it. Otherwise you get plonked on a designated server with all the other refugees :)
To be honest i really like the game its really good fun but transfers need to happen soon and i for one don't mind paying if it means i can move to a server with more peeps on it.

I just would like to do the PVE stuff, its PVP only at the mo and even that can take time to do the daily, also might mean the GTN has stuff on it or peeps to buy my stuff,
I noticed it most on the Nar Shaddaa GTN, that used to be a great place on Frostclaw to pick up a bargain from the other faction, but never seems to have anything on it anymore.
I noticed it most on the Nar Shaddaa GTN, that used to be a great place on Frostclaw to pick up a bargain from the other faction, but never seems to have anything on it anymore.

Players are able to mail other characters in their legacy now, even on the other faction, to sell on the regular GTN on the fleet.
Gone from loving this game to totally bored of it now! (didnt help the gf stopped playing cause she got sat out for a better geared tank who didnt sign....)

Gonna go back to playing BF3 and wait for diablo 3 :)
Liking this game but when ever i play it after about 10-20mins my ping goes mad and i cant playing but when i logout and in again it goes fine for 5mins then it just stays like that, the internet still works fine i cant undertsna dwhy its doing it can anyone help?
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