*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Liking this game but when ever i play it after about 10-20mins my ping goes mad and i cant playing but when i logout and in again it goes fine for 5mins then it just stays like that, the internet still works fine i cant undertsna dwhy its doing it can anyone help?

No idea fella, never had an issue. Hopefully someone will be able to help.

In other news, I'm very tempted by a reroll on Nadd, a couple of fellow regular pvp'ers have headed over there, and 2 of my regular gang are thinking about it too.
It was made all the more tempting by having a few WZ's where all 5 of us were on the same side, and utterly steamrolling the regular Rep pre-made. So much more fun when there's a few of you who know what you're doing, and the opportunity to have more than 1 wz every hour may be too tempting :)
I don't think I'm going to bother rerolling or levelling any alts anymore. Even with 100+ people on Imperial Fleet on Frostclaw, it feels sooo dead. When my sub is up, and I get my BT Infinity installed, I'm going to reinstall WoW and play that for another month. By the time they bring a LFG tool and server transfers, it will be too late.
I finally unsubbed today, after just 3 months. The server I am on just feels dead, never seen any more than 30 players on the republic fleet and I have not been in a warzone for over a week due to giving up on queuing after 30 mins.

This game badly needed cross server pvp and realm transfers/mergers but it's too late now. It's a shame because I liked the leveling process but I just cant bring myself to re-roll on a nother server.

Ah well, diablo 3 will see me over untill GW2 can come out.
I finally unsubbed today

Same here :( I've been playing since day 1 with my main but eventually I just found myself levelling an alt to 50, doing what there is to do like once, getting bored then levelling another class alt over and over. Did all the HM's/ops so many times on my main character they began to be a real bore. Also I hate the daily quests (daily tasks is like work right?) everything feels like a chore now with nothing to really make your character feel any different from any other.

I genuinely thought I was in this game long term and have rarely said a bad word about it but it has become a waste of money staying subbed now. The turning point for me, was logging in on the day of the 1.2 patch realising the legacy system was just a huge anticlimax, I was so dissapointed. Bye from me SWTOR!
Yea once you've levelled one character to Level 50, you just can't be bothered to do the non-Class quests all over again on the same faction and you are just space barring+Option 1 every dialogue. If you could level up based on just class quests, then yea I would be happy levelling alts.

Once you take away the Star Wars story bit, it's a boring dead MMORPG.
Ok, so my server (Dxun Battle Circle) is now pretty much dead which is very sad indeed. Last night most of the top guilds met and decided to re-roll on
Tomb of Freedon Nadd. So now there wont be any pvp at all any more.

Something needs to happen quick if the server is to be saved and maybe even my subscription to the game, from a personal point of view. Even though I mainly PvP these days I am part of a guild that predominately focuses on PvE and just recently I have noticed not many people are logging in :( EVERYONE who is logging in is making reference to how quiet our server has become.

Did a /played on my main char last night before logging. I got 31 days played lol I really don't want to give that up.

I had 18months of good fun out of STO. Can't believe this has lasted barely 4 months..
News on Server Transfers could be as early as next week according to Stephen Reid, and likely to be before 1.3

Frostclaw isn't dead yet but it is dying, only around 60 on fleet (Repub) most days, where it would be >120 before - my Guild accounted for 25% of the fleet the other day, but we've not raided properly this week (though I blame D3 for that!).

They do need to merge/transfer very soon or more and more will drop - in the interim me and 2 friends are levelling some alts and I am levelling another with G-Man also... fingers crossed for something soon; i don't want to reroll but happy to transfer if I need to, even to a PvP server.

News on Server Transfers could be as early as next week according to Stephen Reid, and likely to be before 1.3

I wonder if they will allow char transfers from a PvE server to PvP? I hope so, so i can have the opportunity to continue to play with the community I know, but I can understand if they won't allow it.
I wonder if they will allow char transfers from a PvE server to PvP? I hope so, so i can have the opportunity to continue to play with the community I know, but I can understand if they won't allow it.

I honestly dont see why not, I avoided PvP as didnt want to get zerged while levelling however - PvP open world is only on like 4 planets lol - so it's a pretty pointless thing as most PvP is through Warzones. Hopefully it will be ok.
Hi everybody,

Just a quick acid test on EU servers really, me and a few friends are on a light US server, waiting for the go on server transfers back to the good old EU, i really dont mind paying if they can make it happen soon.

Whats the common used servers from OcUK and how they doing?
I am currently on the frostclaw server, like someone else has said its dying. I stopped my sub a while back but I never got to the end so I am going to give it another go. The only problem is that I am to low level for the next planet and the only thing I have left to do on Hoth is the HC Quests. I think that might get me up to speed on the leveling but again its trying to find a group to do it.

I am sticking to it just because I loved the game so far and want to see what the end content is like. By the time I reach it they should have LFG tool and a server merge, but it may be too little too late.

But I am not stopping till I get a level 50 or I will just think it was a waste of time/money
Legions of Lettow was really busy on release, now you're lucky if there are 50-60 people on at peak times. PvP queue times are getting longer and longer. No chance of getting a random group together for hard modes.

Sad times :(
Still having a great time with TOR, not playing as much as I was. Got back into FSX again and that’s a big time sink :rolleyes:
Saying that, I finished Act 1 on my Assassin last night ( great story)and now heading to Taris.

As everybody has mentioned server moves got to happen soon. ToFN still very busy though. Glad I re -rolled there.
Legions of Lettow was really busy on release, now you're lucky if there are 50-60 people on at peak times. PvP queue times are getting longer and longer. No chance of getting a random group together for hard modes.

Sad times :(

Aye the sooner the servers like Frostclaw/LoL etc... can transfer/merge the better
Thanks peeps,

Gives me an idea on what you lads are doing, just need to help get the lads i play with to a nice server, once we can move. Re-rolling is a bit of a non starter, some of the lads have 6 lvl 50's, I'm half way on my second toon.

At the mo, our server tops 80 peak, weekend could be 100, but this is a US server so you would expect more peeps on it, GTN is almost pointless no one to buy your items, so anyone below that i feel for you, PVP is the only thing we can do at the mo, queues can be long and you can only play from 10pm until 2am due to the time zone diff, but you always see the same peeps, few personal battles are breaking out which is funny. however its good to lvl alts, no one going to do you over during our day time.

Roll on tranfers, as the game is great
Damn, I'm shocked to read that Frostclaw is losing numbers. When I stopped playing at the start of Februrary it was packing at 200+ in Imp. Fleet and 170 or more on Drummond Kaas. I can't imagine what the quieter ones are like. :eek:

SWTOR looks set to become the classic example of 'what not to do' when making an MMO.
Personally I don't think server transfers are going to fix the problem, they need to close the lower pop servers and force migration.

I can't see anyone paying for a server transfer to anything other than TOFN.
Who's going to pay for a server transfer to a server that might become higher pop? Not me!
Damn, I'm shocked to read that Frostclaw is losing numbers. When I stopped playing at the start of Februrary it was packing at 200+ in Imp. Fleet and 170 or more on Drummond Kaas. I can't imagine what the quieter ones are like. :eek:

It seemed to happen very quickly on Frostclaw too, I stopped playing for about 2 weeks and when I came back it had gone for a consistent 100+ on republic fleet to 30-50 average. Bit of a shock it was.
Still love the game to bits. I've got 6 characters on the go on my now main server. I just hop to and from them.
I still enjoy visiting the same old planets and the same old locations - feels different because a different class needs to play it differently.
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