That's what I was thinking.90 days of game time!, It would be worth the 9.99 just for that
Are there any imperials with a high level toon on Frostclaw who want to help me out?
I have a lvl 50 toon on frostclaw could help out when im online.
toons name is Orggerach sith assassin
LFG tool and server transfers/merge need to happen ASAP for me or I'm not resubbing again.
That's all for patch 1.3, and that has no ETA.
Prediction is 3-4 weeks.
Its not even been pushed to the public test server yet. Patch 1.2 had at least a month+ on PTS.
I also met him at EuroGamer - but tbh I am not sure; I found him incredibly rude, even on Twitter he wasn't that approachable - of course I wouldnt wish the guy out of work, but from my experience he wasn't the best community manager... that said I wouldnt want to be one for the EA brigade so maybe I caught him on bad days!
About sums up the farce of this game.
Keep an eye on this thread to see if things improve so I could be tempted to try it again but it just seems to reel from one failure to another.
Can remember on launch someone said f2p in a couple of years, he was shouted down but I don't think he will be massively wrong. Love to EA failingjust a shame they had to wreck a potentially amazing star wars MMO whilst doing it.
He is/was quite possibly the worst community manager for an MMO i've ever seen. He rarely actually interacted with the community he was supposed to be managing on its offical site.
Although that seems to be a SWTOR problem in general, far too much info about the game is on 3rd party sites first.
Been kind of funny/sad to watch the trainwreck since launch, star wars license plus wow style themepark mmo should have been a license to print money if they'd done it right and had the support systems in place at the start, as some have said getting server transfer systems in place 6 months after release of a modern mmo is insane.