*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

I played this game at launch, paid my price, subbed for 2 months, I only played it for a few weeks.
Before TOR, I had a few week stint in Rift, TOR just seemed so dead and lifeless in comparison, I found it quite sad, I honestly couldn't stick with TOR.
I might give it another sub for a month, complete my story line, but it honestly doesn't feel worth it.
I am still enjoying it, I just wish there were groups for Heroics lol; I will probably renew; if anything else I want to see all the class stories. I am worried about the future of it mind!

We're planning on doing more HC content again for things to do between raid nights. I'll give you a shout if you'd be interested in running them with us.
People want to do the vehicle quests etc
I played this game at launch, paid my price, subbed for 2 months, I only played it for a few weeks.
Before TOR, I had a few week stint in Rift, TOR just seemed so dead and lifeless in comparison,

I actually bought a sub to Rift to keep me going until GW2, and it's really fun, the surprising thing is it seems to be fairly well populated too, I always seem to have at least one other person helping if I'm closing a rift. Plus it's nice to be standing in town and have load of rift creatures roll right in on top of you, or a zone invasion kick off.

It's a stark contrast to TOR, where the only things that ever change happen behind a green barrier.
Ive been playing since early Beta, and i thought this game was the best MMOPRG ever, however my thoughts have changed now.

I wont list all the reasons why i wont be subbing in the future (Too Many), only after watching the 1.3 video, this told me the game is not progressing fast enough with several things that should have been implemented months ago, along with major performance issues due to the horrific game engine used.

Even when 1.3 is eventually released, there are still major things missing from TOR

I will keep the game on my system and see what 1.4-onwards brings, though i havent got my hopes up too much.
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About sums up the farce of this game.

Keep an eye on this thread to see if things improve so I could be tempted to try it again but it just seems to reel from one failure to another.

Can remember on launch someone said f2p in a couple of years, he was shouted down but I don't think he will be massively wrong. Love to EA failing :D just a shame they had to wreck a potentially amazing star wars MMO whilst doing it. :(

Yeah, I enjoyed it for a week but ultimately they've done an awful job with it. I could see early on that it was doomed to fail, the only people getting any sort of enjoyment out of it were people not familiar with other decent MMO's or hardcore Star Wars fans.

They can try and spin the redundancies in any manner they see fit but there's no doubt this game is going under. EA will probably end up scrapping it before too long, it was an extremely expensive project and Bioware should have done a far, far better job than they did. It was their first attempt though, so hopefully they can do a better job if they try it again in future.

You can't afford to make many mistakes with a launch of this nature and Bioware got very little right, and almost everything else wrong. The bodged engine that the entire the game was built on was a dreadful start for them.

Rift/TERA and WoW will all provide more entertainment value than this for the vast majority of people I'd bet. At least Rift have made a massive effort to keep improving the game, despite the fact it's a bit of a WoW clone.
Think is though they launched with a five year old wow client as their basic model :confused: great reading back in this thread people saying "it doesn't matter wow has had 5 years to develop" so in what way did that ever make it acceptable to release a 5 year old product? It didn't.

They rushed out a heap of **** in the normal EA "lets cash in" market plan and wrecked the game entirely from day one. Everyone knows with MMO's you launch well or you die, if you launch averagely you struggle if you launch with a complete shambles of a game with years old tech and community phasing to such an extent it is not even an MMO well we can all see what has happened.

Irritates me a lot as I really wanted to like this game. :mad:

I do sometimes think the dev team had their heads in the sand and completely ignored almost everything Blizzard has added to WoW (both in game and on behind the scenes server/support stuff) in the last 5 or so years.

The biggest "innovation" of the entire game is the voice acting and even that goes out the window as you reach the high 30's in level. So many of the NPC's suddenly start not actually speaking English. (or basic in star wars lingo :p)

Couple months ago I was of the opinion the issues were just teething troubles and things would be improving but the glacial speed they are going at with server transfers and general updates (fix 1 thing, break 3 more patches are far too common) suggests otherwise.
Personally ive been having a good time with TOR.
The only problem ive found recently is there are less players online when i am willing to do HM FP's at lvl 50 and whilst leveling up an alt there seems also to be very few players willing to do 2 man and 4 man heroics.

There have also been a few bugs with bosses on operations when raiding with my Guild but nothing really to moan too much about as far as im concerend.

With luck the 1.3 patch may bring a few members back online and increase the raiding pool.
The biggest problem for me with the game is the sheer tediousness of the levelling process. The way the world maps are drawn force you into groups of mobs when all you want to do is reach an NPC/Taxi etc. Its so frustrating.

Then of course you want to level another char and have to do it all over again. It just becomes a real chore and feels more like work than "fun." Also some of the world designs are so incredibly bland and unimaginative, it only adds to the boredom and makes you want to reach the end of the quest lines on that planet to simply escape the environment.

The best thing about the game are the class quests. The times when it shamelessly concentrates on being a single-player through instanced zones. Sadly though, these are so few and far between that they lose their impact at times and are not enough to cover the cracks in the rest of the game. It makes you wonder what a KotOR game would be like if they never did this silly MMO thing. Feels like a missed opportunity.
Exactly, they did the SP elements right, but botched the MP stuff, which is not good in an MMO. I felt at the beginning at a lot of people enjoying the game were enjoying the class quests and spme of the co-op elements but that couldnt last for more than a couple of months. That seems to be the case. The problem is, even F2P would not work until they find the magic ingredient that keeps you coming back for more, and i dont think theyre even looking. So many good games out there soon too.
Going by the talk around the interwebs it looks like some of the sacked people include some of the writers, not a good sign for content release speed....
Did EV NMM Tonight, 1 shotted everything and did it in 54minutes... :)

Def lost some guild activity with the nice weather and D3 - but still running 8 mans ok :)
They clarified a lot of the questions about the "mega server". They're rolling out free transfering first of all and building towards a mega server in the future. 20 people on the fleet during peak times for me now so cannot wait to get onto a server with some life.

On the plus side I'm currently the best concealment operative on my server because I am literally the only active one.
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