*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

New Expanson has been announced Knights of the Fallen Empire

*Very early on in Knights of Fallen Empire, you are frozen in carbonite. When you are awoken, years have passed and you quickly learn that Empire/Republic as you have known have all fallen.
*You have to find your old companions and adventure with new companions in a very personal story.
*The story picks up right from end of the trailer. You are an Outlander. You can either use existing level 60 characters or create a new level 60 character right from the start.
*Brand new companions and new stories with new companions.
*New iconic abilities for each class, everything you can expect from a Bioware RPG when you level up.

More info here


Seems like its potentially a reboot of the game.
I subbed at launch, and quit after a year. I've started up again in January, and I think it's really good, still. Currently all class quests are giving 12x XP, so it's easier to level up.

This new expansion seems cool, too. For people who haven't played, or taken time out of the game, I would say now is a good time to get back into it.
This expansion seems pretty poor IMO.

The consolidation of the factions seems like a quick and easy fix to the server imbalance and population issues.

I also feel it goes against the ethos of what the game actually is about, Sith Vs Jedi and Republic Vs Empire.

I can understand why they consolidated the factions to just the "Outlanders/Outsiders", its easier on development cost if everyone is 1 faction with 1 set of world story to do.
Are people still playing this?

I've been playing F2P for the last 5 days after letting my subs go shortly after release.

Story line is ok but the f2p limits are annoying. I get that all content shouldn't be allowed but telling me I can't claim the reward for a mission because i've not subbed is silly.
The f2p element is one of the worst examples of micro transactions, everything is set to try and get you to sub, u can play each class story without subbing though so thats a big plus.
If you only care about class stories I'd agree it's fine. Anything else and you're shoehorned into subscribing... sucks.

Class stories were the best thing about that game anyway, so meh.
I just got a cheap 60 day timecard for £11 or so off one of those key shops subbed for a couple of months, not played in ages though so started a few new characters, still a good game.
Started playing again yesterday. I thought i might as well while the 12x xp is on so i can play through the class stories i missed when i played it before, Merc and Operative. So far the game seems still surprisingly populated, i'm playing on Red Eclipse and there are plenty of players around and pvp matches are popping quickly.

It's a shame i can't transfer any characters from the US servers to the EU ones though as making money is slow going with how quickly you level.
I'm in the last 16m guild in the world that can actually do all the 16m content.

All the others have disbanded or broken down to 8m guilds. Or simply cannot do all the 16m content.

It's not a casual guild though, fairly high competence is required to fit in. Along with substantial availability to raid for up to 4h an evening for up to 5 days a week. The most keen members do well over that by continuing to raid in unofficial 8m groups after 16m official raid time.

A decent computer is also required, 8m demands are so very much less than 16m and it is an engine issue.

On average its an EU guild but we have members from Russia, US and Turkey.

This would be the 4th guild I've been in since joining SWTOR beta and my first guild through the original SWTOR thread here: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18155299
I just logged back on after being away for little while - need to do the new flashpoints; they also got some events going on.

Technically does seem a little like a reboot - which will be interesting - my guild and I are looking forward to it; guild kinda died out a little as everyone got busy and I have been getting slaughtered at work doing my old boss's job and mine LOL

got to love IT :D
Ive re-subbed with a few others from the guild, just not really got the time to play anymore :( still enjoy the pvp, though I suck big at it now!
Shameless plug for me.
If you decide to go back to the game - if you go back and use my referal link (below) you get 7 days free play and if you subsequently decide to subscribe you get a bundle of unlocks, a free server transfer, thant kind of thing.
Yes, I get free Cartel Coins - but we'd both get stuff. Anyway, it's there if you want to use it.

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Shameless plug for me.
If you decide to go back to the game - if you go back and use my referal link (below) you get 7 days free play and if you subsequently decide to subscribe you get a bundle of unlocks, a free server transfer, thant kind of thing.
Yes, I get free Cartel Coins - but we'd both get stuff. Anyway, it's there if you want to use it.


2 days too late, any word on a server and guild?
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