i dont know the maths in it but 100,000 x how much for a season ticket?
£800 x 100,000 is £80 million, that excludes extra matches such as champions league, fa cup, etc. They could easily make £100 million a year from the stadium, then include the money from selling pies/tea/lager.
I don't know how many season tickets they have now, can't remember how big Stanford bridge is either, 35k? say 25k of them season tickets, maybe 30. So its not like they'd make a full 100k x season ticket extra instantly, because frankly I think they'd have trouble selling 100k season tickets, I think they could come close to selling out but not everyone watches footie in London, not everyone loves Chelsea and of those that do, not everyone can get to every game and some people can't afford more than a couple tickets a season.
They could definately get their gates up massively, and you generate money from food and things, however they would probably do what Arsenal do, have a large section, an entire level or two as executive boxes/club level members who pay more and pay for expensive food and expensive drinks etc, and that makes as much money as the rest of the stadium. So yes theres a load of extra money to come in.
But realistically you're looking at 30k x £800 season ticket increase, which is 24mil, + 2-3mil from food, drinks over the season, another 20mil in executive boxes if they do well with it, and if they have conference type facilities which most big stadiums do now then thats more income.
But that would likely be from a circa £600-700mil stadium, on £100mil of land, that could take 2-3 years to build, so can be building up interest for years before that extra money is actually being made.
So theres extra profits but after all's said and done, maybe 50mil more income, but Chelsea are currently losing money, so you'd be talking about maybe only bringing in a profit of 10-20mil a season, while interest payments would be more than that. Obviously if he just pays up himself upfront, no interest and eventually he'll get more than he puts in, and season tickets will go up in numbers, and price, and executive boxes will start making more money, if they continue to drop wages and bring in players on more sane wages then profit will increase, but it could still be 10 years before you pay off the stadium.
Thats the thing Arsenal were already making some 30mil a year profit at Highbury, we only had more profit to gain and that would pay for more than the loan repayments every year by a decent amount, theres no reason not to.
While Chelsea are currently losing money, the increase in profits, won't necessarily make them profitable enough to pay off the debt repayments every year. I think once Chelsea get to the point of being profitable(and if they do) thats when the club can pay for its own stadium with very little actual cash needing to come out of Roman's pockets.