** Official ** Summer 2010 Transfer Thread - Signings, Sightings and Rumor's in Here

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Dodgy and stupid aren't always the same thing. In fact in Mr Abrahmovic's case I'd suspect they're probably poles apart, an insurance fraud that blatent would never work.

I'm just trying to imagine any police officer investigating being dumb enough not to think "hold on, Russian Billionnaire buys up dozens of houses round the existing stadium - all houses burn down mysteriously after he's insured them, he wants to build a new and improved stadium, I've got a suspect in mind now...".

why would you buy houses and not insure them? plus he could pay off the police like he did back in russia, he paid off government officials too. obviously theres a flaw in there with it being a major coincidence, but they would need proof? unless they see him on cctv doing it all they have is speculation.
why would you buy houses and not insure them? plus he could pay off the police like he did back in russia, he paid off government officials too. obviously theres a flaw in there with it being a major coincidence, but they would need proof? unless they see him on cctv doing it all they have is speculation.

I think it's now fair to say I've got my distinct suspicions that you'll never make it as a criminal mastermind. That's not necessarily a bad thing, just an observation.

It tends to be stupid criminals that believe the police are stupid, that's usually why they get caught. While the police and insurance companies might not be tremendously bothered about someone's garden shed catching fire and it costing say £1k if you think they're going to be as sanguine about a multi-million pound insurance fraud involving lots of properties that coincidentally happen to be where the new property owner wants to build a replacement stadium then I rather imagine you'll be surprised by the response.
Big talk of Patrick Viera coming to Leeds on playing and coaching role.

"Expected to join Leeds United in August 2010. There now appears to be very strong rumours that Viera is having his contract paid up and signing for Leeds United on a 3 year contract, 2 as player leading to coaching on the 3rd with possible extention. Source : 2 very well known Agents, 1 being the agent of Viera himself, Marc Roger."
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I love how your idea of a 100 000 seat stadium is shot down... so you start suggesting ridiculous criminal solutions :s. I really hope you're joking :eek:.

obviously its a joke, but it is a solution. as for the whole insurance police thing. there was a gangster who shot someone outside a club in front of 20 people in glasgow. the police knew he did it, not a single witness turned up to court and he denied it the whole way up to the trial and he got away with it. its not what you know its what you can prove. thats how a lot of people get away with things there is no proof.

also roman can easily afford a 100,000 seter stadium he just has no where to put it, so the idea isnt shot down its just not viable in the location its wanted.
Big talk of Patrick Viera coming to Leeds on playing and coaching role.

"Expected to join Leeds United in August 2010. There now appears to be very strong rumours that Viera is having his contract paid up and signing for Leeds United on a 3 year contract, 2 as player leading to coaching on the 3rd with possible extention. Source : 2 very well known Agents, 1 being the agent of Viera himself, Marc Roger."

i dont know the maths in it but 100,000 x how much for a season ticket?

£800 x 100,000 is £80 million, that excludes extra matches such as champions league, fa cup, etc. They could easily make £100 million a year from the stadium, then include the money from selling pies/tea/lager.

I don't know how many season tickets they have now, can't remember how big Stanford bridge is either, 35k? say 25k of them season tickets, maybe 30. So its not like they'd make a full 100k x season ticket extra instantly, because frankly I think they'd have trouble selling 100k season tickets, I think they could come close to selling out but not everyone watches footie in London, not everyone loves Chelsea and of those that do, not everyone can get to every game and some people can't afford more than a couple tickets a season.

They could definately get their gates up massively, and you generate money from food and things, however they would probably do what Arsenal do, have a large section, an entire level or two as executive boxes/club level members who pay more and pay for expensive food and expensive drinks etc, and that makes as much money as the rest of the stadium. So yes theres a load of extra money to come in.

But realistically you're looking at 30k x £800 season ticket increase, which is 24mil, + 2-3mil from food, drinks over the season, another 20mil in executive boxes if they do well with it, and if they have conference type facilities which most big stadiums do now then thats more income.

But that would likely be from a circa £600-700mil stadium, on £100mil of land, that could take 2-3 years to build, so can be building up interest for years before that extra money is actually being made.

So theres extra profits but after all's said and done, maybe 50mil more income, but Chelsea are currently losing money, so you'd be talking about maybe only bringing in a profit of 10-20mil a season, while interest payments would be more than that. Obviously if he just pays up himself upfront, no interest and eventually he'll get more than he puts in, and season tickets will go up in numbers, and price, and executive boxes will start making more money, if they continue to drop wages and bring in players on more sane wages then profit will increase, but it could still be 10 years before you pay off the stadium.

Thats the thing Arsenal were already making some 30mil a year profit at Highbury, we only had more profit to gain and that would pay for more than the loan repayments every year by a decent amount, theres no reason not to.

While Chelsea are currently losing money, the increase in profits, won't necessarily make them profitable enough to pay off the debt repayments every year. I think once Chelsea get to the point of being profitable(and if they do) thats when the club can pay for its own stadium with very little actual cash needing to come out of Roman's pockets.
Out of Uniteds 75k stadium around 50k of those are season ticket holders.

I use a friends who owns a hotel, they use them to comp customers etc. No stadium will get 100% season ticket sales i think.
Of course they have but you obviously don't remember the times when Man City would have killed for a player like Viera, you live in the world of "well he's not good enough, lets spend 90 zillion on a younger version"

Enjoy it while you can, it won't last forever.
Yeh i do remember the times and now we have the money what is the point of him staying and wasting his career when he can go to leeds and play?
ooooh so bitter
it's that kind of attitude which is why no one will ever expect you anywhere near as much as your neighbours, infact, no one respects man city at all at the moment right now if they're honest
How is he bitter? Lol.

I don't mind teams spending money, like a £20-30m player every so often (Utd for example), but paying £20-30m on pretty much every player, and over doubling wages is just ludicrous. Ah well, the moneys there to use I guess.
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