** Official Tekken 7 Thread **

Online still sucks for me, the matchmaking is slow and I get connection errors often.

Also, it's great fun and all but I feel like I'll never learn to play it after such a long break when I was never good to begin with. It's very frustrating that I can't often win using Jin against absolute beginners who pick Eddy, Catarina, Lucky Chloe or other characters with ridiculous movements and just spam away when I managed to win against some people who apparently knew what they were doing.

I absolutely suck and I don't think I have the time to get better.
Until they patch it next week stick to lobbies with friends or single elim tournaments, they both been working perfect for me today.

When your against them characters you need to block low or not press a button until they finished there combo then attack.

Yeah I know, that's what I do and it sometimes works but some of the characters have very fast, confusing and easy to pull off mix-ups and I just can't read all of them well not having played the series for 10 years. What's more, many of them put me at a disadvantage and I can't always react in time. Jin is very fine character with lots of great attacks but he's also one of the tamer ones in terms of movement. Maybe he's not suited for an amateur like me when faced against such guys. I'm currently trying to learn something sensible with Leo. Maybe I'll try Chloe myself for some of that uber-cheapness:p And maybe Dragunov, liked him very much in 5.

Of course, the outcome is quite obvious when someone picks Hwoarang or Claudio and just spams their kicks incessantly. I won six or seven times in a row against a guy like that two days ago but Eddy and Lucky Chloe are just too much for me (I suspect Alisa is the same). Still can't get used to the game but it's much better on a DS4 (I started using my PS4 controller yesterday, the d-pad works is a blessing) than on my old 360 controller.
Yes also I found lucky cloe hard at first my friend always uses her I think I got hit by her rage every time for first 15 matches before I started blocking it.
I use xbox 360 controller for most games but I can't do fight games on them because the dpad is so sloppy.

Yeah, such characters take some time to get used to but now that I switched to DS4 the game feels a lot better. Overall, it's great fun even when you sometimes lose against mashers:p Definitely feels like good ol' Tekken. Also, runs great and the graphics have aged quite well I think. When they fix the online, it will be golden.
I beat a Katarina player with Jin yesterday (as well as some Steve and Lars spammers) using parries, ducking and low kicks but it was just a masher with a couple of wins. I wouldn't be able to do anything against a player who knows how to use her. She was hard enough even played by a masher.

I'm sticking with Jin for now, he's not as fast and cheap as some characters but I like his fighting style, hope to learn how to use him well.
Lars and Steve take quite a lot of skill to use properly, their 'cheap' stuff is unsafe so the spammers get destroyed. Katarina is hell though, at least you get something to look at while she's herpa derpin all over your guard. She's the most unga bunga character I've ever seen, even worse than M. Bison in SF5 LOL

Jin is a great character to pick up, he's like the Ryu of Tekken. He may not be very hard to use but he has no gimmicks or obnoxious stuff, when a Jin wins a game, it was the player who won and not the character. Unlike a certain... she-who-shall-not-be-named.

Yeah, that's precisely the feeling I'm getting with Jin, like I'm doing the actual fighting and he's easy to pick up but quite hard to use well.

Since you're way more experienced than me, could you suggest 1-2 other interesting non-gimmicky intermediate characters I could try? I was thinking Leo and maybe Dragunov or someone else?
I do, but I more or less know how each character plays from past games (except newcomers, obviously) and who I'm interested in. I'm too crap to focus on more than 1-2:p
My game's just got updated, is it the online fix? Can't find any patch notes.

EDIT: I don't know what's wrong with this game but the online matchmaking is terrible (unranked)... It's so bloody slow and I can hardly play any matches due to connection issues. Have only played 1 so far in 20 mins of waiting room and it was so laggy that the game was literally freezing for a couple of seconds.
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I think I'm getting worn out on playing as Jin...
I love his simple style but you really have to be an expert to win with him against some characters. I managed to learn him to some degree and got some decent wins against spammers but I've just lost four times in a row against a Leo who wasn't even that good. Obviously, I still suck at the game and deserved to lose but why are the characters so unbalanced? Her every combo pushed me back and I couldn't reach her with my attacks while she could still attack me with her ridiculously fast punches and kicks. So I was left there blocking and parrying and I couldn't even hit her before she started her next combo. I was either out of range or too slow.

I was forced to wait for an opening which rarely came. Jin's every combo was sluggish and very predictable in comparison while she had all those flashy "jump back and suddenly attack" thrusts and launches... At least I managed to get in a couple of EWGFs.

I won two matches 3-0 out of bloody six. It's really tiresome that I have to get constantly punished for picking a more tame character whom I happen to like. I honestly don't know what I could've done except some very risky and expertly-timed counters I'm not yet capable of. The amount of sweat you have to put as Jin when you fight against those flashy cheapshots is crazy. He might be labelled as an intermediate character but you'll have your butt kicked by many characters unless you know him inside out. It's impossible to spam with him and his better moves are quite hard to pull off consistently in the heat of battle.

I've also encountered a dude who was playing Kazumi and after he realised he can't do anything against me, he just moved back and started spamming those tigers incessantly so I couldn't even approach him. Same happened with Alisa. Ridiculous... Why is this stuff even in the game?
Jin is an extremely skillful character, perhaps the hardest in the game, he's also honest which is a huge disadvantage when you're new. If you have two people who have never played Tekken before, and of equal initial skill, put one on Jin and one on something like Eddy/Katarina/Chloe etc. the Jin will never beat them. He's a character made for people who seek out the satisfaction of winning through high skill gameplay, his basic level tech is very weak, it's the advanced stuff that makes him strong.

You need to accept this to play the character, you are going to lose a lot but have the potential to become one of the better players once you have more experience. I ran into an Oracle ranked Feng the other day in a lobby, the first rounds were tough but he was such a fraudulent player using Fang's unga bunga cheap mixups, and after losing 2 rounds I exposed him and made him look free, ending the 5th round with a perfect, he then left after sitting on a 16 win streak or something in that lobby full of beginners.

Jin is the COMPLETE opposite of that, he isn't made for the dudebros who want to win at all costs regardless of player skill because they think they deserve to win.


Watch that video, his strengths come from learning the excruciating amount of parry timings in a series with such diverse movesets, and using attacks that sidestep or avoid high/low during certain strings. Ontop of all of that, his combo input difficulty is up there with Lars.

In the hands of the perfect player he is the best character in the game as he is theoretically invincible, but even the very best players are far from perfect.

Thanks for all that. I will try to find a second character for myself but I won't stop using Jin, I just like playing as him. I know I've picked a really technical character as I tried him in T5 but it didn't click then. I've managed to win at least once against all the spammers I had trouble with because I more or less know how his attacks work. Some, I completely dominated as they couldn't even block Jin's easy to predict feints and lows and just continued spamming Eddie's and Chloe's shenanigans. The thing is, I'm nowhere near the level to predict and counter fast and fancy combos with characters flying all over the place. Jin's sidestep attacks are very useful but some of this stuff is homing.

Jin's combo input difficulty might be up there with Lars but Lars is sure easier to pick up and abuse:p

I might start using Asuka again as I'm pretty familiar with her. Or someone else but I don't wan't to become a cheapsot, there's nothing enjoyable in that. The best matches I've had were against people who knew what they were doing and while not experts, they put up a decent fight. Will have to work on my parries and overall defense. And surprise EWGFs:p

Regarding the tigers, I didn't reach her in time before the end of the round as I was busy sidestepping a flurry of them. I just didn't expect it, that was my first online fight against Kazumi.

EDIT: I have to set aside some time to properly test Lars and Leo. I've always liked Bryan and Dragunov so maybe them too. I know Bryan is advanced but he's got some great moves. I also love Xiayou but I don't think I can get good with her. Playing her in T5 was incredibly fun though.
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heh, you're not the only one :o

I'm sticking with Jin for now because even with the losses I'm still learning match-ups and stuff. As long as I'm improving I'll stick with it, it can be rough sometimes but even when losing I'm still having fun.

Yeah, I know the pain:p I like Jin and will be sticking with him. I won against all the Chloes, Eddie, Claudios etc. played by spamming and baiting noobs today and it felt quite rewarding. I won and lost against Brian once. Deservedly though, he fought a bit cheaply but it was mostly my lack of skill.

I've also lost against only one Jin so far but I'm mostly playing unranked now. The first ranked match was a joke but I'll get destroyed if I advance too far.

Be sure to learn how to consistently pull of the EWHF an the launching variant (also the sweep) as it's fairly surprising to noobs if you time one properly, it takes a lot of sweat to use it in battle though. The punch-low kick-low kick combo and the feints work well against noobs so wait it out and abuse them like hell when you're up against cheapos:p And the sidestep punch:p

I think I'll also pick up Kazuya after checking him out today. I know he's a fairly advanced character but many of his moves are relatively easy to pull off and he's got some nice potential punishes. He's also bull****-free, like Jin, but seems a bit more forgiving. It'll also be tough but I just can't warm up to any of the more gimmicky characters at the moment.
I suck at everything and Jin is really hard to use effectively:p Reading my opponents' bonkers moves is the worst.

EDIT: Great, got my ass. handed to me by an Asuka with 0 wins 5 times in a row... I'm incredibly bad at this game and her automatic parry requiring no timing at all forced me to use lows most of the time... Managed to win two times miraculously. Even if I managed to block all three low sweeps in a row, she started a new combo before I could react and alternated between highs and lows.
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Getting a move out when someone is all up in your face pressing buttons seems the hardest thing for me in this game.

Same for me, especially that characters like Asuka etc. and especially Kazumi have pretty safe moves with long range and insane recovery, the complete opposite of Jin. Asuka's parry stance lasts for a bloody second or so and if you hit her then she doesn't only parry the attack, she throws you with decent damage. When she started mauling me with that one combo I was done for. It's quite hard to read. Honestly, you have to be superhuman to be able to block so many varied moves of all the cheaper characters and find the gap to punish them.
I still have trouble with some Eddies as they're always all over the place. It's sad but Jin is useless in the hand of a non-expert and will be completely overpowered by many easier characters.
Haha. Awesome.

Was that amatsubu playing his Jin? Lol :p

Oh, you:p But no, I rarely charge in like that:p

I'd gladly play against Bishie, though, maybe I'd learn something about blocking and controlling myself during a fight.

EDIT: I also suggest trying Jin in actual online, you'll see how much work and control he requires compared to many characters:p Kazuya is like that as well but slightly more forgiving. I'm actually glad I've managed to win against so many Lucky Chloes, Claudios, Lees and Hwoarangs, feels quite good, even though it was unranked.
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Thanks, will do but I think I have to sort out my Steam account first...

I don't know why but it went bonkers two days ago and I can't sort it out, tried to log in now and it's giving me the "couldn't not connect to Steam network" error. Clearing download cache helps for a while and then it happens again... I've never had any problems like that.

EDIT: All right, it worked now after adding -tcp to the .exe in properties but it's incredibly sluggish. I must've waited a minute for it to log in...Have to find out what the problem is.

Added you, I'm in for a quick session now but will have more time in the evening.
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Jin= Amatsubu right? Lol :D

I can't get over how much you like me:D

I haven't played Bishie yet but quite frankly he'd have serious trouble playing like that against any semi-competent Jin (not saying I'm one, of course). It's the exact same rushdown as previously and it's quite risky against more experienced players. Noobs like me might fall for it a couple of times as it's sometimes difficult to react while pressured but that's it:p
Never said it wasn't:)

My first Tekken was 5 as I bought the PS2 close to the end of its lifetime so I'm practically a newbie but always lowed the series.
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