** Official Tekken 7 Thread **

That King was pretty embarrassing, wasn't ready for that but it happens sometimes, wasn't aware of those grabs. Honestly, I initially thought I'll only be fighting Kazuya (not that I know his moves either):p

This game really is stressful.
Good fight, thanks:) Kings was pretty close, only that last round caught me off-guard. Totally blew with Lars though and he's pretty easy to read so a huge fail on my part.

We could've played some more but you spent more time editing these than on the actual fighting! LOL:D
Well, there was some luck involved in that last round:p After all, it was really close with 2:2 and the rounds with Lars that weren't recorded were also very close, I made a mistake at the end of both and it cost me. And there were other fights too:p

I know it looks like I was pummeled as there's only 1 clip of me vs. 3 clips of Bishie but I think I did all right having to play against three different characters that are all easier to use and harder to read. You haven't seen everything:D

I don't know why TNA is constantly trash-talking me and making allusions but he couldn't do diddly-squat with Jin so I think it's a bit rich:D
If you play like you say you do, then I can just play a random low-level Hwo, Akuma or other and know more or less what to expect, there's no point. I've managed to win against quite a lot of those relying on one move so far but it's hard sometimes.
I've openly stated that you're a very competent player. With that said, I'm not a total pushover! My attention was divided whilst playing as King, as I had the missus talking to me during the first two rounds. I excluded the other clips for this very reason!

Next time, get you butt on Discord! Perhaps we can break the ice before our next bout! ;)

Edit: I'll make a few GIFs of your highlights tonight! I ran out of time, as it was getting late.

No worries, I don't mind because it was fun playing:)
Having said that, I don't think I can handle fighting knowing it's all being recorded, makes me even more noobish than usual:p Lol at that dropped controller:p

Aren't you on a 1070? Or did you get rid of it?
Since then I have had a 1080 and a Nano. Now I have nothing. Could not resist selling my Nano for nearly double of what I paid for it due to all this mining craze :)

Haha. That maybe best, because by the time Vega comes out you will have had 5-6 weeks extra training.

I think I will try and learn Kazuya, i enjoy those gifs, i would enjoy pulling that off on someone :)

Ah, ok:)

Kazuya is fun but he's quite similar to Jin so requires patience. However, he's got some quite annoying moves, one of which Bishie tried to maul me with a couple of times:p I'll be learning him next, I think Mishimas are fun to play, even though they require quite a lot of gymnastics.
My controller disconnected during one of our matches. I then had a stupid pop-up window which obscured the lower left portion of the screen!

Jin is similar to Kazuya, you mean! ;) He didn't make his debut until the third game, lol.

What's annoying is that Jin was supposed to have unlearned the Mishima style in favour of traditional Karate, and yet he clearly uses some of the same moves as Heihachi and Kazuya!

Yeah, he uses some but the execution is different and he has none of those sweeps/tornado stuff (unfortunately:p) Also, different electrics.
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