*** Official Ubiquiti Discussion Thread ***

Any benefits then of having the cloud key over running the controller on a PC?
Let me know if you put them up for sale on the MM!

It's just effortless. If you have a cloudkey you can access your UniFi setup anywhere. Saves the hassle of setting up a Pi or anything like that.
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Careful about talking about selling outside of MM. Not sure why you can't post there though, thought all you needed with a minimum number of post (which you would think 1767 would be enough).

Just to add if you do decide to go down the controller on your PC route - it's fine. I did it for a few months with no issues as I didn't need 24/7 access to the controller but if you want to buy, definitely recommend getting the Cloudkey/USG combo :).
Check MM later tonight/tomorrow. ;)

The main advantage of the Cloud Key is that it just works. No messing about. It looks after itself generally and it just works.
Hello again chaps....another USG question

I am using 500 down/30ish up virgin connection at the moment... will the USG be able to handle this? I read some stuff about 1gig connections and needing to disable everything but obviously this is still double the speed....
Will be fine for that connection, up to 1GB for throughput. That comes down to a maximum of 85Mbps when you turn on all of the bells and whistles (QoS, IDS, IPS - the last two relating to security). The USG Pro takes that maximum to 250Mbps.
Will be fine for that connection, up to 1GB for throughput. That comes down to a maximum of 85Mbps when you turn on all of the bells and whistles (QoS, IDS, IPS). The USG Pro takes that maximum to 250Mbps.
OK great, thanks
Shame that I can't use those other features esp QOS but I am sure one should still perform better than the AC87U I use currently as a router if/when I purchase
Will be fine for that connection, up to 1GB for throughput. That comes down to a maximum of 85Mbps when you turn on all of the bells and whistles (QoS, IDS, IPS - the last two relating to security). The USG Pro takes that maximum to 250Mbps.

I think you have to separate out QoS. I don’t think you would have QoS on with a 500Mbps connection at home. With IPS/IDS (you can only have one at a time remember) switched on this 85/250 numbers are very conservative estimates. USG is normally good for 130Mbps with IPS/IDS turned on and USG Pro will do 350Mbps all day long on the standard 2 Mb RAM and my 8Mb USG Pro has been known to hit 700Mbps with IDS switched on. That said, IPS/IDS is pointless for most people as they’re simply not under attack in a way that would make switching IPS/IDS on a valid choice.
OK, thank you guys. I will take @WJA96 CloudKey from the MM and run that with my RT AC87U, 2x UAP AC Pro and Outdoor+ and see how that goes. I think I would be more comfortable with a router that could handle the 500mbps+ and with IDS/ISP enabled
Hi chaps

Just installed the 2x UAP AC Pro

Problem : I am only getting max 100mbps on either of the access points, I guess this means that they are not connected via gigabit LAN? How can I ensure they are connected via gigabit as they are connected via POE injector (included) to a gigabit switch?
I presume you're running a controller, what does the uplink (wired) panel show in the AC Pro?

Both are showing 1000mbps. One of them is now providing 250+mbps however the other one is still limited to 100mbps which is strange
Secondly (not so urgent), I am trying to create a guest WiFi network, I do not have the "apply guest policies" option?
What's the channel width on the 5G network, what is the client?

I don't suppose the one that's running at 250Mbps is connected to the AP that's closer, sometimes clients can get "stuck" to an AP which is annoying.
I'll have a look at the channel width

In terms of stuck to AP, definitely not as they are about 15-20m away from each other

Another question in terms of roaming. Should I get a very short disconnect of internet as I get pushed from one AP to another on my mobile? I thought these UAP AC PRO could do 'mesh'?

I dont use meshing as all the AP are wired.
OK, thanks. Should I disable this on all APs then?


Also, what about this one?

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