*** Official Ubiquiti Discussion Thread ***

Thanks guys, ended up getting the Unifi controller installed on my Pi at around 1am Friday night. (started around 9.30!). I'm not good with Linux so was trying to follow a tutorial but i kept getting errors on various command lines, but due to lack of linux knowledge i didn't know what the issues were so looked for another tutorial.

Ended up using parts of about 4 different ones but it's installed. Only thing i've not yet done is to set a static IP. Do i definately need to do this?

Annoyingly i received all the parts on Saturday but received European power leads rather than UK ones. Have just spoke to the retailer who are resending them today and refunding my saturday delivery charge so pretty happy with their service. Was worried it'd be crap because they were cheap.

Spent an hour or so getting a router, POE switch and 5x APs set up for my parent's new build. Also set up a raspberry pi 3 as their controller :)

For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to plug their router in to my network (use my WAN) whilst setting up, so went for brute force and just unplugged mine for an hour to get everything update.

Spent an hour or so getting a router, POE switch and 5x APs set up for my parent's new build. Also set up a raspberry pi 3 as their controller :)

For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to plug their router in to my network (use my WAN) whilst setting up, so went for brute force and just unplugged mine for an hour to get everything update.

You need to tweet that picture to UBNT and get some love back for it.
5x APs, big place!
I've put in about 48 runs of cat 6 but they insisted on keeping as much of their tech wireless as possible and with their current place have terrible signal I wanted to blanket the house in high speed coverage. Not sure if you know but any new build in Wales now has to have a sprinkler system, so a few APs is not an eyesore and it'll save me a load of time in tech calls :p

Each of the main areas downstairs will have it's own AP, then for aesthetics I've gone for 1x AP on the landing upstairs and 1x in the garage where the rack is located.

FYI for anyone looking to do the whole RPi, Unifi thing... these are the commands you need.

##Prepare your SD

diskutil list
sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
sudo dd bs=1m if=~/Downloads/2018-03-13-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of=/dev/rdisk2

##Transfer blank “ssh” file to root directory

sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2

##Connect to Pi

SSH [email protected]
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt install dirmngr
echo 'deb http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/unifi/debian stable ubiquiti' | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubnt.list > /dev/null
    sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv C0A52C50
    sudo raspi-config
    Expand filesystem
    Change user password  
    sudo reboot

##Install Unifi Controller

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
    sudo apt-get install unifi -y
    echo 'ENABLE_MONGODB=no' | sudo tee -a /etc/mongodb.conf > /dev/null
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk -y
    sudo cp /lib/systemd/system/unifi.service /etc/systemd/system/
    sudo sed -i '/^\[Service\]$/a Environment=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm32-vfp-hflt' /etc/systemd/system/unifi.service
    sudo reboot
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I guess when you start compartmentalizing your house with 'areas' rather than rooms then you're dealing with a substantial property!
Ok i've hit a snag.

At the moment i have the following connected up

Asus router to the phoneline - This is serving as the current wifi network.

Then i've just plugged in all my Unifi stuff it goes

USG > POE Switch > Pi running controller software
...........................> AP 1
...........................> AP 2
...........................> My laptop

Now my current struggle is that if i go to i get the Unifi Gateway login screen but it says it's unable to connect to the internet. I had hoped i could get all this setup without the internet so that i could get it all working before disrupting the house that's reliant on internet usage!

My problem is that without being able to get access to the USG i can't find out what the IP address of the PI is, without that i can't access the controller software to go through the setup!

I'm sure i'm missing something but what?

Trying to avoid setting things up using my laptop and then messing about transferring the controller setup to the PI
Ok many new issues now (please bare with me!)

I ended up installing the software on my laptop for the time being. Got everything working and “adopted”

However when I plugged my HG612 modem into the WAN port of the USG absolutely nothing happens.

I’ve gone into WAN settings and re-entered my Vodafone details but couldn’t quite understand why they’d be needed as they’re input in the settings of the HG612.

In the past the Hg612 has the address and the ASUS was on which was handy as I could see both but now the USG has taken and I’m unable to check in on the modem.

At the moment I’ve gone back and left the Hg612 plugged into the WAN port of my ASUS router which is working nicely.

Any tips would be a huge help! (Also if anyone could answer the previous question about setting it up on a pi straight away it’d be handy as I’ll just restart from scratch)

We have a room in corner of the house that doesn’t get a good WiFi signal from its closest AP (AC-LR). I can’t run any cat5 there either.

I was thinking about using a AP-Lite as a Repeater in wireless link mode, I don’t really like to do this because of the performance hit.

It’s either that or use a power line adapter to that room and hook up the AP with that.

Which one will give better performance ? Bare in mind most powelines are 10/100mb and we have 200mb broadband.


We have a room in corner of the house that doesn’t get a good WiFi signal from its closest AP (AC-LR). I can’t run any cat5 there either.

I was thinking about using a AP-Lite as a Repeater in wireless link mode, I don’t really like to do this because of the performance hit.

It’s either that or use a power line adapter to that room and hook up the AP with that.

Which one will give better performance ? Bare in mind most powelines are 10/100mb and we have 200mb broadband.

As I said in a previous thread, the performance of both does vary hugely from house to house. I personally would get some decent homeplugs (over 10/100) and trial it and if the homeplugs turn out to be unsuitable put them on the MM. they're not that expensive.
Give the Pi a static address and sounds like you may have duplicate IP with the hg and usg.

Yes, i thought this. Can i re-assign the USG to or do i need to change the HG? (i've currently locked myself out of the HG somehow by forgetting my login details so that'll be fun!)

On a side note using 2m ethernet cables is not ideal when units are next to each other!


Going to order some new nice short cables. Is there a benefit between expensive and cheap ones? I assume some are better made but with them only being short runs and not moved much (once it's all setup and working) i presume i'm ok with the cheapest?
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