******Official War Thunder Thread*******

Free RP is now called Convertible RP

To be fair, it did put a lot of peoples' backs up - mine included.

There's nothing "free" about a points system that gives you nothing at all you can use, yet costs real hard currency (Eagles) to actually do anything with.

No idea why they changed its name in the first place really.
I am quite happy with the game atm, nothing seems dreadfully OP and I dont turn and run when I see certain planes incoming now.
I do when playing tier 2 British, so much of the popular opposition () has 20mm cannons vs my 7mm pea shooters :o

Tier 2 has the Spitfire Mk IIb, there is no reason to complain my friend, no reason at all :) I only play as Brits really, and the Mk IIb is one of the best planes in the entire game.
I am quite happy with the game atm, nothing seems dreadfully OP and I dont turn and run when I see certain planes incoming now.

Yak 9's anyone?

I'm certain MG's in general need a bit of a buff, sometimes you can get hundreds of hits but no crits or bad damage. Not up to the level of cannons or anything just a tad stronger
They just don't fill me with quite the same level of fear as they used too. Playing mainly as Brits though it gives the chance to outmaneuver them and keep their guns off my beautiful beautiful plane.
Since i got the cobras and Yak's and i know how they handle whenever i see one im not afraid to face it you just gotta find a way to fool them and BAM.
as usual ;)

But you're right, was good fun, seemed to have picked my game up from the start.

Can't work out why but something has changed my gameplay, used to get 5-7 ish kills per game easily, think I might be getting defensive and catching myself out
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