*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

So, enduring the joke of open beta registration farce was worth it for you then :)

Now if only you werent stinky Order ! :D

Well, we'll see. I'm coming to your server next to check out the destruction classes :)

Yeah the bright wizard is very fun. I'm topping the damage and kill chart quite often with this class. It's really nice being able to level solely through PvP. Great game!

Thats one of the best things about it, I've always wanted to level off pvp alone in an mmo.
Personally im loving playing the magus, i thought the disc of Tzeetch would make me feel odd about the class but im higher than everyone else so i feel superior.

No lag in game on the EU side of things for me at least.
Woo! Retried logging into the patcher and success!

If you haven't got a confirmation email just try logging into the patcher with your details and it *should* work, looks like they're registering details but not bothering to send out emails as just an hour ago i couldn't log in and still no email.
Yes, I can see it, when a code is typed in , it appears in the corner "Validate my key"

Ah great thanks, I'm sure that wasnt working when I typed in my code again his morning, and this evening I just looked at it and didnt try typing it in.

However, like many people who're still waiting for a mail I just tried logging in and it worked. Hurrah!
Yeah it really is great. That's what put me off WoW; I just don't enjoy grinding on boring and predictable AI.

Same here mate. To WAR's credit the PQs are a lot of fun, really enjoyed the first empire one when that giant beast comes crashing through the trees :D
After getting annoyed with the EU beta and giving my beta key to a friend i decided to try the US beta so i still get to try out the game for free.
Well the time from contemplating the US beta, to killing stuff in game. 5 hours flat.
Yep, 5 hours to find a US beta code, download the 10gig US client, register a mythic account, verify my beta code, patch the game, and kill stuff. 5 hours. it took 3x that time just to get to the email stage of registration in EU!

So after playing today ill give my review of the game.

Quest system - amazing! the fact all your current quests appear on the right of the screen and keep you updated is ace. also the game outlines areas where you get the things needed to complete quests and where to hand them in. the world map is great as it shows these outlined areas and your quest objectives whilst inside the map.
This may annoy anyone who likes to figure things out in pve and it will definitely annoy guidebook producers, as this game is so simple a new born child could do it and there is literally no need for a guide.
One other thing i noted, the eccentric guy whose name escapes me atm went on about how if you kill enemies before you reach a guy and that guy wants you to kill those enemies it will auto complete if youve killed enough. this doesnt happen. dunno if this is a bug or they removed the feature but i killed dozens of dark spites. then got a quest to kill 6 of them...and had to kill a fresh 6.
Public quests are also fun as you can get involved at any stage.

Tome of knowledge - amazing! just generally an outstanding feature that keeps track of everything.

Those are the good things.

Bad things - everything else.
The graphics require more graphical power than other games due to the textures used etc...but the end result is..well, terrible. Looks worse than WoW imo.
The interface is actually not that bad but its getting put in the bad things section due to the fact i dont like the writing used :p the numbers that show damage done to your enemy and yourself are far too small, you have to really look to see what you did, and if a spell has recently been interrupted, the 10foot high interrupted writing will cover up any dmg you do. annoying.
And i dunno whether this is just due to it being a beta but everything seems pretty buggy, like you sometimes have to click things 3 times before it registers the click, whether your clicking an enemy, closing a menu or anything else, half the clicks dont register (and no its not my mouse :p)

And finally the animatons of spells and the casting time bar look horrible, hitting tings in melee looks horrible, and everything feels incredibly clunky and slow. again may be just beta but its definitely enough to put me off.

and as for the big sell, pvp, will no doubt change throughout the course of the game but as for now, no skill involved, just a numbers game, my armies bigger and has better gear than yours so i win. oh great.

So in conclusion mythic > GOA in everyway possible.
and in game conclusions i am glad i got to try this for free as its saved me £30 as i will definitely not be purchasing this. I really dont like it. The quest system is great and i wish tat and the tome of knowledge were somehwat implemented into other games.
But i cant bring myself to play the game as it just looks and feels so incredibly bad. It pains me to cast skills and walk around cos it just doesnt feel right.

So thats my 2 cents, some very very good ideas, implemented terribly. oh well, hopefully a game will learn from this and implement similar ideas but inside a playable game.
One other thing i noted, the eccentric guy whose name escapes me atm went on about how if you kill enemies before you reach a guy and that guy wants you to kill those enemies it will auto complete if youve killed enough. this doesnt happen. dunno if this is a bug or they removed the feature but i killed dozens of dark spites. then got a quest to kill 6 of them...and had to kill a fresh 6.

Paul Barnett :)

It does work kinda, but they changed it slightly during the beta, now you will see Kill Collector npcs dotted about the place, and sometimes you will notice they have a quest complete icon over their heads even though you didnt get a quest from them. You run up to them and get xp off them for killing creatures around.

So it still works, its just they changed it slightly so that you cash it in at the kill collector npcs and its not on every type of creature.
One other thing i noted, the eccentric guy whose name escapes me atm went on about how if you kill enemies before you reach a guy and that guy wants you to kill those enemies it will auto complete if youve killed enough. this doesnt happen. dunno if this is a bug or they removed the feature but i killed dozens of dark spites. then got a quest to kill 6 of them...and had to kill a fresh 6.

You need to speak to 'kill collector' NPCs to collect xp for mobs you've killed. Standard quests are as normal.
I'm curious if the delay in skills etc you're experiencing is because you are playing on US servers? Someone else earlier in this thread, also on US, posted the same. Perhaps the increased delay is enough to put out the clientside event timers? On the EU servers, these issues really don't exist.
The graphics require more graphical power than other games due to the textures used etc...but the end result is..well, terrible. Looks worse than WoW imo.

Turn on your AA and AF and it looks rather good imo, but obviously looks are a very personal thing.

The interface is actually not that bad but its getting put in the bad things section due to the fact i dont like the writing used :p the numbers that show damage done to your enemy and yourself are far too small, you have to really look to see what you did, and if a spell has recently been interrupted, the 10foot high interrupted writing will cover up any dmg you do. annoying.

Oddly enough they actually reduced the size of those damage numbers hehe, mind you they can all be changed by similar UI mods to WoW

And i dunno whether this is just due to it being a beta but everything seems pretty buggy, like you sometimes have to click things 3 times before it registers the click, whether your clicking an enemy, closing a menu or anything else, half the clicks dont register (and no its not my mouse :p)

Thats a weird one, sounds like lag or something, I havent experienced anything like that as yet in the open beta.

and as for the big sell, pvp, will no doubt change throughout the course of the game but as for now, no skill involved, just a numbers game, my armies bigger and has better gear than yours so i win. oh great.

Hehe, the PvP is what I've found to be one of my favourite parts of the game, the RvR is the closest I have found to Daoc since Daoc. :)

Gear doesnt make as much difference compared to many MMOs, army size does make a difference , as obviously it would, but just as in Daoc I expect that to change as people get familiar with their characters and working together.
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