*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

From war-europe.
Previously when you validated your code, there was a delay between the confirmation email and you being able to access the servers, our technicians have worked to remove this delay and now you will be able to patch and play as soon as your confirmation email is received. The last remaining 10,000 players who were waiting for access can now join the action on the servers.

Err, no I can't as I'm still waiting for an email from you from my original beta code activation at 3pm yesterday.
I've tried 30 odd times to register by beta code today at different times, even using different browsers, but still no email.
How about instead of spouting how good things are going and changes are working for the best you type realistic comments and work on clearing the backlog of people who've been trying to register and get into the game since Sunday morning.

70,000 already in game :rolleyes:
How come the forums aren't full of people playing the game?
Seems to me it's only a handful on each forum that have got in, the rest are still waiting for activation. I reckon they might have the 70,000 and 10,000 figures the wrong way round.

Really glad I didn't pre-order this.

And if the game turns out to be really good, in 8 weeks time I'll be in Oz playing on the AUS servers, which hopefully have no GOA involvement what so ever :D
Can anyone please post a link to the Key registration page. The only way i seem to be able to get to it is with the direct link, and i have no idea what that is now.
Err, no I can't as I'm still waiting for an email from you from my original beta code activation at 3pm yesterday.
I've tried 30 odd times to register by beta code today at different times, even using different browsers, but still no email.
How about instead of spouting how good things are going and changes are working for the best you type realistic comments and work on clearing the backlog of people who've been trying to register and get into the game since Sunday morning.

Exactly the same with me, and, it would seem, just about everyone else too :(
Gf's lvl 7 Shadow Warrior

meh wish my computer didnt suck i get 30fps with everything set to fastest lol....

cant wait until i upgrade once nehalem is out so i can play in all its glory
My god this game is addictive. It totally stole my entire day off.

Is there any way to turn up brightness/gamma? The scenario I was doing was basically pitch black with red and blue names floating around.
ok i got an email at 1am on 09th september:

Welcome xxxxx,

Warhammer® Online: Age of Reckoning™ is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in a fantasy world where the armies of Destruction and Order are pit against each in an endless succession of battles. Pick your side and contribute to the victory of your comrades-in-arms.

Please remember that your login is private and that you should not share it with anyone. Your username is the public name that is displayed when you log onto the portal.

Your login: xxxxxxxx
Your username: xxxxxxxx
Your email address: [email protected]

The WAR Team

when i try to log in to the game, it brings up 'Mythic patcher' and when i enter my details, it gives 'authentication failed. please re-enter your password' then bombs back out.

i know my user / pass is right, so is this what everyone else is seeing at this stage, or am i stuck with a new problem?

Give her 20 quid to go buy some shoes and use the PC to play while shes gone :D

20 Quid won't do for a woman to get shoes, you must have been with some cheap ones!

Nipped home at dinner from work to play this game... haven't done any RvR yet just some PvE. I'll do some when I get home me thinks, meanwhile I found this mint video of the Marauder in PvP!

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