****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I assume these great players were in another clan? ;)...Joking aside, we can probably get this going again. Like others have said though, it's sometimes a problem getting the numbers together.

That being said, we can maybe give it a go tonight if people are around - perhaps if Defrag and Link are interested as well (they are traitors who joined another clan..;) ).

And yes skdav, a company of KV2's all loaded with gold ammo would be interesting....

I am busy tonight, so wont be on, but certainly would be up for it another night, should you wish to fire an invite my way! :)
Good company games last night, think it was 14-0 when I logged. Felt sorry for some of the teams we played against but its nice to play a few where you know any noobs are going to be on the other team (well apart from Puppet)
Yeah I remember one battle and looking at XVM - I said "this is going to embarrassing if we lose"

Great fun last night - thanks all especially the Reservoir dogs moment
Was there any TK at the end of the match? I seem to remember a few of them with our team hitting one another with arty for a laugh at the end lol. Might have been Puppet and Abbyabz.
Was there any TK at the end of the match? I seem to remember a few of them with our team hitting one another with arty for a laugh at the end lol. Might have been Puppet and Abbyabz.

;) Nutta killed puppet, I then killed skdav on the follow round..... those company battles are great fun we need to do them more often.
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;) Nutta killed puppet, I then killed skdav on the follow round..... those company battles are great fun we need to do them more often.

agreed, really enjoyed last night, iirc we won 5 battles in a row,
someone did try ramming me at the end when i had 2% health left, but luckily i didnt die :D
;) Nutta killed puppet, I then killed skdav on the follow round..... those company battles are great fun we need to do them more often.

That's slander that is, I would never shoot puppet unless provoked!...They are good fun, we can try our hand at the tier 8 companys sometime, we'll probably lose a few more, but it would give me an excuse to buy an IS3 again.
Will probably be on tonight if there is any space in the company battles.

Anyone recall the amx spam we had on Prohorovka?
We had rabbit in his Stug last night for a few games and Silent played some in his M4. To be honest there were only a couple of games that were remotely close. In any case if we have more people we would tend to try and fit them in by a couple of people dropping down a tier or two. I'm sure there was at least one game last night where the opposition had 8 KV1s and 3 Grilles and we still wiped them.

At tier 8 it tends to get a bit formulaic with 9xIS3, 3xTier 6 arty or the odd scout etc but also the teams also tend to be a lot better in general
ah great, im fine with following orders as long as they're not stupid :p

Never mind, in the last 2 days or so I've been removed from the clan???

Maybe just a mistake, we only have limited space in the clan so datamonkey probably had to take a couple of people out to fit new people in but there are plenty of people who haven't been on for ages so I'm sure you can get back in.
There must be loads of non-active accounts who are still in the clan (There surely can't be 100 active players?). Just needs someone with a bit of time to clear out accounts which have not been used for a while.
We had rabbit in his Stug last night for a few games and Silent played some in his M4. To be honest there were only a couple of games that were remotely close.

I've got a KV-1S now, but the M4 (with gold) just as much fun if we need extra points for another player as I still make credits.

There must be loads of non-active accounts who are still in the clan (There surely can't be 100 active players?). Just needs someone with a bit of time to clear out accounts which have not been used for a while.
I'd say kick anyone who's not played for 3-6months? as that should open up 10+ spots at least?
Had a good 3 battles with the clan. Couldnt play long. I got fed up with tier 6 and above arty couldnt be bothered with the grind and the reload times too slow so I stuck with T4/T3 and found it more enjoyable.

My highest tanks are T6 at the moment on the German(VK3601) and US line M43AE8 never yet managed to go T7 although I've just started going through the French ones to see what they are like. If you do similiar tiers like last night I can contribute but T8 and above is not for me yet.
There must be loads of non-active accounts who are still in the clan (There surely can't be 100 active players?). Just needs someone with a bit of time to clear out accounts which have not been used for a while.

I'd say kick anyone who's not played for 3-6months? as that should open up 10+ spots at least?

last active

afgahneddy 14/08/2012
arian74 01/05/2012
captainleJosh 01/05/2012
ChrisBrid 01/05/2012
ChristopherDante 01/05/2012
foxtrot26 27/09/2012
freakbro 29/09/2012
HimmelsKrieg 23/07/2012
Indifference 28/09/2012
iviv 23/05/2012
Rebeldog 29/08/2012
TenSecondHero 01/05/2012
TheAsgard 01/05/2012
weedyphil 28/09/2012

seems to be a lot that stopped on the 01/05, what happened then?
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