****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Got two codes due to buying a new NVidia card for this game (invite code and bonus code) if someone wants them? Its not a game I play and I cba to sell so if you want them, first come first served.
I've accepted the clan join requests that were pending (I had to kick someone who'd join a couple of months ago and only played 5 games) but we are at the limit so we need to go through the list and cull a few - I'm not ingame at moment so I can't look who hasn't been online for an extended period. If anyone wants to do some spring cleaning feel free.
Just as a heads up, apart from the list I posted yesterday about the special expect a bonus code/free premium tank of some sort to be released tomorrow. As the mod "Supercharged" as mentioned this a couple of times on the WOT forum this afternoon when everyone was raging at the lack of anniversary bonus!
my supervisor at work mentioned this game to me a couple days ago and now i am addicted :(.Sent application to join the clan

if u havent progessed too far, i have a bonus code for a new account,
>T2 Light Tank and Free Slot
>3-Day Premium Account
>500 Gold
u will have to start again though

call it a welcome to the clan freebie
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