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Question for those experienced IS3 drivers

Questions for those experienced IS3 drivers....

I just got the IS3 recently. I have upgraded all but the tracks. Should I bother getting the 100m D10T (16,000 research) or go straight for the 122mm BL-9 gun (44,000 research)? I currently have 122m D25T which isn't great and 44k is going to be along grind :(

Also do you need the upgraded tracks for the BL-9?
You're better off just using the 122mm from the IS and going for the BL9, you're not going to be sniping much so the better accuracy on the idiot gun won't help you much anyway. Nothing worse than being a T8 heavy and getting crappy 190 damage rolls with a low damage gun :p

From what i remember you can upgrade everything without upgrading the tracks, can't remember if that includes equipment like the rammer etc though.
BL9 all the way, accept no substitute. When you absolutely, positively have to kill every mf in the map (at your tier and below, and if your team are not window licking morons!)
Any idea what MM Tier spread it has as a T7 TD? I've already got a very similar gun on the IS6 which only sees T9 :p

It gets the same MM as standard T7 TD's, so anything up to battle tier 9 (which is max tank tier 9). In practice, it doesn't appear to get a lot of tier 9 games - I often find myself in max tier 7 games. Like Puppet says, very nice tank; earns good credits and is actually fun to play, a prime target for the nerfhammer I expect.....
They really should not nerf tanks you pay good money for. It happened to a certain extent with the Type 59 because people were moaning about it. If I pay money for something because it looks good I don't want to be drving a piece of **** in a couple of months time.

Don't forget along with the credit and xp gains you get you can use premium tanks to train crews from other tanks of the same nation and type. So if you're grinding for a top tier Russian TD - this would be a logical choice.
They really should not nerf tanks you pay good money for. It happened to a certain extent with the Type 59 because people were moaning about it. If I pay money for something because it looks good I don't want to be drving a piece of **** in a couple of months time.

Don't forget along with the credit and xp gains you get you can use premium tanks to train crews from other tanks of the same nation and type. So if you're grinding for a top tier Russian TD - this would be a logical choice.

Premium tanks are intended to not be as good as an equal tier fully upgraded tank. I feel its unfair if the tank is too powerful. Premium tanks do get buffed though as well (KV5 HP Buff, M6A2E1 got a credit boost) etc.

I would rather play a type than T44 though lol.
Premium tanks are intended to not be as good as an equal tier fully upgraded tank. I feel its unfair if the tank is too powerful. Premium tanks do get buffed though as well (KV5 HP Buff, M6A2E1 got a credit boost) etc.

I would rather play a type than T44 though lol.

I'll take on a T44 anyday of the week in my Type! :D

...buys 20 more rounds of noob ammo. :p
It's not looking good tonight either for my doubles, thought I'd start with the GWTyp E....7 games 1 win. Was funny when I lost the first 4 games in a row so thought I'd record win chance, damage and result in a neat little table.


Well, every tank since has been a 1st win....go figure.
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erm I know this sounds strange but could anybody buy me a copy of the PCGamer WoT guide and post it to me? I'm out in Afghan at the moment and won't be able to get a copy :( I'll paypal gift you the money for it!
How do people feel about the Brit medium tanks? I'm finding myself getting a bit bored lately and fancy starting a new tree, Brit and Chinese tanks are the only ones i haven't bothered with.

Used to have so much fun at ~T8 and just not having that anymore, even free XP'd the gun and Turret on the T9 Patton this afternoon to see if i'd enjoy those matches better but still felt flat, started out ok but then ended up with crap team after crap team. So i'm thinking working my way up some new trees might help as i'll have progression again and idiotic teams won't annoy me so much it seems easier to make a difference solo at lower tiers.

Edit - Case in point, last match a few mins ago was in the Patton on Ensk map. I had a crappy match where i got overrun by their heavies as our side lemming'd, only did a crappy 1733 damage and still topped the score on my side. Looking down the list everyone but me and one of our arties did <500 damage with 6 having done 0... including our E-100, IS7 and both our T62-A's. The match lasted 3mins 50 seconds lol.
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I found it a mixed bag but I was brand new to the game when I unlocked most of them. For example the Valentine was horrible but the Covenanter was pretty good fun. I've unlocked up to the Cromwell on that side and it's a good laugh, it's got the Churchill 1 gun on a pretty fast medium body :p

Matilda is also pretty awesome, it's slow but has an amazing gun for it's tier and bounces most stuff on it's front armour. I can't really remember the T2/T3 tanks but you can blast straight through them anyway.

The Chinese type 62 is really good fun so I'd imagine the wz131 is as well but it's a bit of a grind up there. I'm at the M5A1 Stuart right now and it's ok, the one before it was horrible and I've read the 59-16 is pretty weak as well.
Cheers, i might give the Brits a bash over the weekend then. I don't mind the odd crappy tank on the way up as most trees are like that anyway. I have the T3 unlocked and looking at the tree just now it's only 2k xp to the Covenanter anyway. The gun looks good on the Centurion but i should probably avoid T8 again for now lol.

I'll probably skip the Chinese for now as i have the T-44 and had the IS3 on the Russians which are a bit too similar. The Stuart is all i have on the chinese tree too, i think i started it when it came out then just ignored it.

I should probably join the clan too as 4k games solo is probably part of why i'm getting a bit frustrated :p
I just joined recently, only managed one game but it was decent!

For me, tier 6 and 7 seem to be where I have the most fun, you get a few of the lower tiers that just love to rush in to battles.

How did you find the IS-3 after the IS? I love my IS and am currently grinding towards a cheaper IS-3, would it be worth selling my IS if I need the credits?
The IS3 is an upgrade in every way from the IS apart from the same damage when you pen, but going from 175(i think?) on the IS to 225 penetration means you do a lot more as you stop bouncing.

The IS only really had the alpha damage going for it as it's more like a medium than anything else, decent maneuverability but pretty weak armour. The IS3 (especially if you keep yourself aimed dead on and not angled) bounces most shots and even ones in your side get eaten a lot due to the spacing. I like it quite a bit more than the tiger 2.

If you don't have another T7 heavy then keep the IS but if you have somethign else you like more keep that instead. Always good to keep at least one from each tier for the credit specials at the weekends.
I think I'll probably sell it as it sounds like I'll love the IS-3! I've got the t29 so that covers my tier 7 heavy slot as I intend to keep it for a while.

I do like the IS though, like you say it's a big medium with a big punch.
Good choice, the T29 when hull down is the ultimate troll tank for tier 7. Most guns bounce off that turret other than things like the BL-10 on the Russian TD's and it seems most don't realise the commanders hatch is the weak spot :p

Sounds like you're going to love the IS3, just don't get cocky when you're in the T10 matches and learn to know when someone is using premium ammo. Even a Pershing with it's 180mm pen can be dangerous when using premium ammo as they then have 268mm pen and can blow through your front plate like butter. Rule of thumb is if playing peekaboo and something pens you that shouldn't move your camera and look at your tank to see where they've penned and adjust accordingly. Never assume a lucky shot ;) I say this as the higher tier you get the more premium ammo users you come across.
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