How do people feel about the Brit medium tanks? I'm finding myself getting a bit bored lately and fancy starting a new tree, Brit and Chinese tanks are the only ones i haven't bothered with.
Used to have so much fun at ~T8 and just not having that anymore, even free XP'd the gun and Turret on the T9 Patton this afternoon to see if i'd enjoy those matches better but still felt flat, started out ok but then ended up with crap team after crap team. So i'm thinking working my way up some new trees might help as i'll have progression again and idiotic teams won't annoy me so much it seems easier to make a difference solo at lower tiers.
Edit - Case in point, last match a few mins ago was in the Patton on Ensk map. I had a crappy match where i got overrun by their heavies as our side lemming'd, only did a crappy 1733 damage and still topped the score on my side. Looking down the list everyone but me and one of our arties did <500 damage with 6 having done 0... including our E-100, IS7 and both our T62-A's. The match lasted 3mins 50 seconds lol.