****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Loving this. My Stug and M5 Stuart are rocking....

XP seems to have gone wild since the upgrade - anyone else finding the same ?

Currently got:

Stug III - all upgrades, working to the JagdPZ 4
E8 Sherman - loving it - upgraded working towards T20
M6 - just got the 90mm gun - still not sure about it seems slightly underpowered vs other same teir tanks
M5 Stuart - elite, 100% crew, just love it. It's like a little terrier nipping at people heals. Playing ring-a-roses with TDs/KVs is just a hoot.
M7 Priest - nice rate of fire, aiming time is just horrible

Cracking game though...

M5 XP from this morning


Stug 3 from this morning

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There are some basic tutorial videos on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSt6wkueXWw Not great but at least something.

Also think they held a competition last month for tut videos for all the different styles of tank, don't believe the results are out yet though.

Aside from that, got my E-50 the other day, while still only half upgraded its pretty kick ass. Definitely at good tier wise as the Panther2 was when it replaced the already good Panther at tier 8. Ramming is now my new favourite hobby, the Panther/2 could take a few hundred off at best, the E-50 though hit things like...like a 64 ton tank going at 60km/h, its crazy.

Second new(ish) hobby is mini map sniping, when they are out of the render range of your tank (~600-750m, not the view range stat) but you just aim by what the mini map shows. I've managed get a fair few kills in the last few days and it is actually not too hard when you know some of the more obvious spots and aim for bushes and the like. Not as satisfying as the usual, tank was spotted moving there one moment but is now hidden, guesswork shot but can imagine it causes a few wtf moments from your victims.
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Loving this. My Stug and M5 Stuart are rocking....

XP seems to have gone wild since the upgrade - anyone else finding the same

That would be the 5x XP for the first battle 12-15th :p

Unfortunately the Ferdinand without its new gun or engines is a useless piece of **** so 5x very little doesn't add up to much.
The T29 is a good tank with the 105mm gun. its probably the best tier 7 heavy to be honest. Ive just upgraded from it to the T32, it still has the 105mm but has better hull armour and more health. Have got all the upgrades for it and now working my way to the T34.
The t29 can be tasty when on low tier matches with you being top or near top. Can struggle a bit when ur in high tier battles when ur about mid placed, need to be very picky of your targets.

Forget about penning e75s tho unless u use HE and only then you wont do a lot of damage. Same for roughly tiger 2, and similar tho they can be pen a little bit better.

Can you send me another invite please, WOT user name is "Diddyman"

You did send me one before just found it but it has expired.

I've been playing on and off for a couple of weeks and I'm still struggling to get to grips with it :(

I'm working my way through the German tech-tree, trying to get the Panzer IV and Tiger, is this a smart path? Any tips from the Wittmanns out there for noobs like me?
A couple of weeks in and I have a fully epic Leopard, bought a Lowe for grinding XP and now grinding my way to a Tiger.

If someone could chuck me an invite it would be appreciated!
just downloaded this today, good little game, just spent 4hrs playing it.
do you have to be invited to join clan? my user name is jcol:)
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