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What was the total gold loot for the 11 boxes? To be fair I'd be happy with either tank on the T8 list, but doubt I'll be that lucky.
Seriously you can win a Type 59 from the Chinese box !!! ... noooooooooooo WG I hate you.... going to have to deface my CC so I can't buy boxes !!
Ok, hold my hands up, they've got me with some of the boxes. Won't be spending any more unless the Defender comes on sale or if that doesn't happen I'll just get some premium time over Christmas. From them I've got the Sentinel, a Pz. B2, 2500 Gold, four days of premium time, 1 million credits plus a lot of personal reserves all for £15 which I don't think is that bad really. Not the Tier 8 Premiums people are talking about, but apart from the Defender and Liberte (now I've started the French line for the new heavy tanks) there aren't really any premiums that interest me.
Have the Rev already, but quit this game today though. Trying to get the x3 Daily in the ISU-152 and I've had a Cent AX and T49 absorb shots from the ISU when they're broadside on to me. First evening back in a few weeks and I regret it already with these stupid shots that get absorbed by tracks on what should be easy pens.
Not sure where to put this female crew from the Christmas missions...

On the one hand tempted to use them + the discounts on the Czech line and just grind that out but then if I hate the line I can't do anything else with the crew. Suppose I could use them as crew for the 3 Centurions once I get through the Cromwell/Comet or use them for one of the Russian medium lines. Also considering trying light tanks for the missions, reading lots of praise for the Chinese line but not sure which to pick between that, the Americans and the Russians.
The Revalorise is worth a look. It's an exceptionally good little tank in my opinion.

The Rev is a monstrosity that should have been in the Israeli branch on it's own :P
Is actually the M51 Super Sherman (known as Isherman) which was kept in service until the 1980s.....

And because I own it, always scared when seeing one at the opponents team. A good player can create a lot of wrecks with it.

Seriously you can win a Type 59 from the Chinese box !!! ... noooooooooooo WG I hate you.... going to have to deface my CC so I can't buy boxes !!

Relax. Type 59 is overrated and bellow mediocre tank, after 6 years worth of nerfs.
T54 mod 1, is far superior than the Type 59 ever was, and miles better than the Type 59 of today.

And I am not some noob writing this. I have the Type 59 with almost 3000 battles over the last 6 years. (ingame name Fediuld).
It takes 6 skill crew and a lot of sweating to do well in the tank, and you cannot bully any tank bigger than tier 6. You get bullied even by Tier 6 heavies these days. Hell, an OI using HE can completely wreck you with frontal hit.

Something that I have no issue with any other of my tier 8 premium meds. Because they can bully up to tier 9 meds and lights (T54 Mod 1) or scare the crap from distance with the Revalorise big alpha, or the superb P88 reload and accuracy.

Get the stock WZ120 and play it on a Tier 9 battle. You will find how uninspiring and horrible Type 59 is today, in full Tier 8 or Tier 9 battles.
You see Panos, I play WoT for a laugh not for stats. I want the Type 59 for my collection, it's that simple I have no cares about how good it is.
so was a bit drunk last night and bought some more loot boxes, a set of 11 for each type

2 x t26e5, one of them transformed in to a type59
lorraine 40t from earlier in the day
the tier 4 B2 which is meant to be OP
t-28e with f30
way too much gold to know what to do with
You're set for a while then! I managed to get a Type 59 too so am happy with that. I allso got an AC-1 sentinel(3 actually, got gold for the other 2) and a Panzer B2 so it was fairly successful.
You see Panos, I play WoT for a laugh not for stats. I want the Type 59 for my collection, it's that simple I have no cares about how good it is.

Who the hell plays wot for a laugh?! It's the most aneurysm inducing game ever!
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