****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

It's not a clean upgrade from a Tortoise.

The Tortoise already does up to 4564dpm vs Badgers 4574dpm.

Firepower is frankly sidegrade.

Tortoise has faster shells (1067m/s and 1334m/s vs 1000m/s and 1250m/s), 6mm more APCR pen (326 vs 320), a wider traverse (20/20 vs 15/15) and a higher ROF (up to 5.3 vs 6.3 reload).

Badger has higher alpha (480 vs 400), 13 more AP pen (272 vs 259), a better HESH shell (130mm/630dmg vs 120mm/515dmg) and gains more overmatch (123mm overmatches 40mm, 120mm overmatches 39mm).

Opportunities are the difference.
That DPM is still immense though, the Tortoise already stood out a lot in that aspect so it didn't really need buffed. The rest of it sounds good to me though overall. Overmatching 40mm should be fairly helpful, the extra HESH damage will help against lights and I barely use premium ammo so a little less pen is ok to me.
I like it, little slower than I expected but still reasonable mobility. Hull down it's basically a wall and the obviously highest DPM in game is nice. HESH ammo is very nice with 130mm pen (insane DPM against lightly armoured tanks) and having the 2mm bump in calibre means it can overmatch the Swedish things which were a bit of a pain to deal with when playing Tortoise.

I'm on 90% third skill now on the crew so hoping to push that into 4th soon. Got Deadeye on the gunner to see how that pans out with the high rate of fire and got BiA too, currently prioritised repairs over camo.
This camo minigame microtransaction game they added is annoying.

Each piece has to be painted/camoed and if you dont like it you need to go back through the tank pieces using the paint tab to remove the paint then the camo tab to remove the camo.

So say you select the barrel and put camo and paint on then select turret to put camo and paint on... you now need to remove stuff 4 times if you change your mind.

Theres no reset function I can see aside from exiting the camo minigame and starting again.

Theres some camo for credits still. But most are now locked behind gold payment.

Needs to be a table with stuff done that can be bulk undone.


Barrel +greypaint +spottycamo [reset]
Mantlet +yellowpaint +spottycamo [reset]
Turret +greypaint +spottycamo [reset]
Hull +greypaint [reset]
Tracks +greypaint [reset]
Yeah I'm totally ignoring that new part of the game but frankly happy it's a source of income for them that doesn't affect gameplay and me since I can hide non historical elements.

One thing I may be interested in is when they introduce physical exterior elements that you seen on some new tank models like bits of track, nets, helmets, etc. I still thing the Bromwell is one of the best looking models in game and slightly jelly how much better T-34-3 model looks compared to my Type 59.
Uhhh you can't hide a whole lot.

You can hide tanks using purple, yellow, blue, cyan, green, orange and sky blue. All those are very bold colours.

But I can still slosh light blue all over my tank, paint the turret light yellow, the barrel and tracks red and there's nothing you can do about it.


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Maybe one of my lesser known masterpieces, "Fallen Traffic Cone"


It would appear that hide unhistorical paint is on by default so only those who want to see the brightest clown skins have to enable it.
The game doesn't seem as awful now that I don't have to play the no longer forsaken British TD line. Even enjoying the DW2, not awful as I expected and forgot about my Chinese T-34 which is a little firecracker like the Soviet counterpart.

Even getting used to playing lights and autoloaders again, had some cracking games in my LTTB. Still don't have bloody Sixth Sense on it so just play it like it's on fire most of the time. Hardest part about that tank is not bloody flipping it, looking forward to having actual centre of gravity once I get the T-54 LT!
I want to earn some dosh as well and will probably be on later tonight if you guys are on and need another platoon partner.
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