It's not a clean upgrade from a Tortoise.
The Tortoise already does up to 4564dpm vs Badgers 4574dpm.
Firepower is frankly sidegrade.
Tortoise has faster shells (1067m/s and 1334m/s vs 1000m/s and 1250m/s), 6mm more APCR pen (326 vs 320), a wider traverse (20/20 vs 15/15) and a higher ROF (up to 5.3 vs 6.3 reload).
Badger has higher alpha (480 vs 400), 13 more AP pen (272 vs 259), a better HESH shell (130mm/630dmg vs 120mm/515dmg) and gains more overmatch (123mm overmatches 40mm, 120mm overmatches 39mm).
Opportunities are the difference.