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Except both have pretty solid armour profile and mobility to be true flanking brawlers, how good is the new engine?

its a 760hp engine for the Mod 1, T-44-100 and the T-44.
Also getting better dispersion while moving on the T-44-100 and T-44
Yes I think they would be good but I still think they would be worse overall than some existing premiums.

Oh yeah but compared to the other already sorry T8 mediums they will be spanking them all over. Just as an example Pershing has a similar gun but with the armour the Russian mediums have the armour to bounce and mobility to circle. Let's not even talk about sorry Chinese mediums and their chances ;)
A day of terrible games. Why I continue to play this game when I only get one chance to play it for a more than a few hours each week only to get crap RNG and endlessly useless teams I don't know. I don't think I've made any kind of progress today in terms of either making credits or building XP. Could also be me, but when you play ten games in two different arty and not one team can defend itself for more than two minutes I don't think its all on me somehow.
Just had a game where 9 of our team did no damage. Unbelievable!

Its a x3 XP weekend, brings out nothing but bots....and people who just hit the "battle" button and zone out, make a drink, or something, just to farm the XP. It happens all the time they run these events, I hate them.
I literally adjust the way I play during promotions, tend to be far less aggressive and just watch the map for friendlies probably more than enemies. In other words, "kemp bush".
I wouldn't encourage anyone to start it.

It's a money leech with many pressures to get you to pay to not suck.

Then once you've invested maybe a thousand battles in it you'll see some truly obnoxious tanks which distort the game.
Community is non existent and when it's there it's toxic, balance is getting worse and worse too. Not only do majority of premium tanks perform better we are also in a cycle of latest OP meta tanks dominating with zero regard for balancing and buffing tanks that would be left behind.

Basically they announce new tanks/trees which are OP, everyone rushes to grind them with premium time, gold and free XP and tanks left behind are either barely competent or forces to shoot gold. In fact there's quite a few tanks now that are so bad they are forced to fire good to be competitive.

It's also a horrible game for casual play, matchmaker is basically random with no regard for skill so hitting a streak of 5/6 losses is not uncommon. They basically left it at a state where it you play enough then things kinda balance out but it's not a relaxing game either as majority of the time you just want to scream at your own team.

Also a warning for completely new players, lower tiers are horribly unbalanced so you will not have a good time starting from scratch in this game.
Just started playing this, over the weekend team balancing was terrible, I ended up being one of the last few tanks on my side left with the other side only losing one or two. Out of 20 rounds only 2 were anything like balanced. Is there anything I can do to change this?
I'm not a good player so maybe my advice is bad.

Watch all the quickybaby Video's on how to play the game. Basically any tutorials.
Any tank you get watch videos on the strengths and weakness.
Learn other tanks weak points.
Learn all about vision. Vision is everything in this game. otherwise you end up dead from (what you think are) invisible tanks.

Avoid going to Tier 6 or higher too soon, or buying a higher tier premium too soon.

...lots of patience. Don't rush in a game. Dont be a hero.
Please tell me teh Czech grind is worth it. The T7, the T-34-100 is just about the worst tank I have ever driven - I'm tempted to include the M3-Lee in that.

It's slow, big, no armour and a terrible stock gun. You need almost 24k xp to unlock the tracks and "better" gun. Oh did I mention the terrible gun depression.

Still on T5 and it's absolute garbage, it's a line you play to get to T9 with auto loader which is also a horrible stock grind.

Personally I also wouldn't stay in lower tiers too long as a newbie, it's infested with seal clubbers and tanks that are hilariously OP and bad, WG give zero ***** about balance there.

WG are so kind to let me get this before everyone else*


*and 100% of other players who all got the same "early access" offer. MM is really garbage for me all weekend and this morning, bad enough I'm having to play horrible underpowered tanks but I have to play with these teams. Completely abandoned flanks, occupying same spots on maps, zero awareness until they dead, etc

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