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The Object 257, 705 and 430U are all ridiculous in one way or another. At least the 705 will get nerfed for sure as it's a bug. The other 2 I am not sure will be.
What's this bug with the 705? I would argue (from playing it) that the 430U is not OP as it has a pretty bad gun stats-wise and it's not that speedy.

The 257 seems ridiculous with that side armour.

And yes the fact that WG really want to implement this stuff, yet the Chieftain is still sitting there unreleased has not gone unnoticed. However there was talk of making the Chieftain a medium\heavy hybrid, so maybe the Object 430U is a precursor to this?
Nevermind that, check out the floating top turret. That's not a goof though, merely the sekrit levitating technology from the WWII Soviet Bloc, they found a sketch on a napkin so it's true ;)


Problem with 430U is that with its armour not only does it **** all over 121 but frankly a lot of tanks are going to be forced to load up gold to contest it in order to remain competitive against it. Upper part of the frontal hull can rival that of 113 and how about those 280+mm cupolas on top? Sure it has a cheese lower plate but so does just about everything else.

On a slightly related not, Chinese mediums are now in utter dire state up to T9 and not a thing is being done about it. It's at a point where a viable option towards WZ-120 is the light line.

Object 257 is utterly broken with its auto bounce armour and Object 705A is basically going to make anything with a rear mounted turret like Pz VII and FV215 chassis redundant.

It is the test server though so let's see what changes we see before the release.
Anybody else bought a T-10 so that when 9.22 comes out you get the free replacement ?

Ive never sold it to begin with, think its been in my garage since its was the replacement for the up tiered IS4. Well it was the IS8 then T10.

Dont think ive ever even used it!! lol
I really don't know why I had Pershing down as a good tank in my head, it's really quite frankly ****. Never thought I would say this but I would rather play Centurion over this garbage.

Mobility is gimped by soft stats, gun is nigh on useless in T10 battles, armour on the hull is non existent and it just doesn't do anything well.
I really don't know why I had Pershing down as a good tank in my head, it's really quite frankly ****. Never thought I would say this but I would rather play Centurion over this garbage.

Mobility is gimped by soft stats, gun is nigh on useless in T10 battles, armour on the hull is non existent and it just doesn't do anything well.

It appears we are on the same grind to Patton goodness.
I tend to agree and the T20 ( tank leading to Pershing) is a much more capable vehicle tier for tier.
I have around 90k XP on it and can't wait to unlock the tier 9 to sell the Pershing, I have resorted to taking a good number of premium shells to cover.
I actually ended up loving T20, was putting off playing it as it looked bad on paper but once I fired it up I couldn't get enough!

Lot more to grind than you but I may have to resort to 2 key as well, 190mm pen is a joke with a lot of heavy stuff around. There's just no way to be competitive as the tank is lacking in so many ways.

Really shouldn't be a surprise though, I felt the same about T25 Pilot and they are basically the same tank.
I still think the Pershing is a competitive tank, it is just a jack of all trades and a master of none, against other tier 8s and is also in the unfortunate position of being a tier 8, with the broken MM that this entails as well.
It appears we are on the same grind to Patton goodness.
I tend to agree and the T20 ( tank leading to Pershing) is a much more capable vehicle tier for tier.
I have around 90k XP on it and can't wait to unlock the tier 9 to sell the Pershing, I have resorted to taking a good number of premium shells to cover.

Thats 3 of us on the same grind then! Im not having much luck with the Pershing either, have had it in the garage for over a year, just do the odd double on it now and again.
I still think the Pershing is a competitive tank, it is just a jack of all trades and a master of none, against other tier 8s and is also in the unfortunate position of being a tier 8, with the broken MM that this entails as well.

I'm actually starting to think t8 MM is intentionally broken. WG are releasing a profusion of t8 premiums.any of which are completely unbalanced. I'm looking at you here Defender and you skorpion...so the only way to balance it and not have an obvious skew in stats is to counter it with crap MM. A prime example is my t26e5. It is my highest rated tank for avg damage and xp yet it has my lowest win rate. I consistently come in the top 3 in it yet lose the vast majority of games because they're t10 so even though it looks like I'm doing great I'm actually having little impact in the games.
Anything premium of new age is flat out better than majority of T8 tanks. Is T-44 still getting its second buff in about 6 months?
More of the usual last night. Playing the strv and 2 games in a row had heavies whinging at me for camping. In each game I came top with most damage done, in one case doing more damage than a platoon of 3 IS3s who had been whining. They just couldn't seem to grasp that it's a defensive tank...
Yeah most of the older premiums got buffed here and there so they aren't as awful in comparison to new premiums.

Point still stands that premiums are generally on par tier for tier with the best non premium tanks out there, nevermind a lot of tanks that are in need of a buff.
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