****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

What do you recommend getting out to? I don't mind paying for something.

As it1uk suggests, it depends what gameplay you are after. There are a lot of different playstyles, but to start with the basics the first three nations had distinct specialities:

Russians - The Brawlers. Some Chinese tanks are pretty good at this too, but in most cases, the Russian tanks are better.
Germans - Some of the best snipers in the game, a lot of the time with some reasonable armour to back it up.
US - A mixture of the two, jack of all trades. They often have strong turrets with good gun depression.

Maybe give most of these nations a try at the lower tiers. To start with as a line to grind I would recommend the russian mediums, going from the MS-1, up through the T-60, T-70, T-80, T-34, T-34-85, T-43, T-44, T-54 and finally either the T-62A or the Object 140. There are not many stinkers in that line (T-43 will be touted as bad, but it's really just more of the same of the T34-85, so not bad per se, just samey) so it is not a bad line to play through.

As far as paying for anything in this game, I would not recommend anyone does so until they at least get up to tier 6, then if they enjoy the game still, pick up a tier 6 premium such as the Crowmwell B, T34-85 Rudy/M or whatever else suits them. If you are going up the russian medium line, one of the T34-85 premiums will do nicely as a crew trainer (along with your current T29).

Finally, prepare for a salty community. There will be some people happy to help with advice, but most people complain a lot and blame team mates whenever they die. If you want some advice once you have got the hang of the basics, feel free to ask in here any time.
Yeah in case you didn't know there is no penalty on using your crews in a premium vehicle, so long as they are trained to the right class of vehicle, i.e. medium tank crews in a medium premium tank. For starters I would maybe just start with basic repairs and once you're onto your second skill, can think about retraining to get things like Sixth Sense for your commander. Once you have that skill, you'll want it on all your tanks.

So as above if you pursue a Soviet medium line and get to say T-34 at T5, you can use your T-34 crew in the T29 without any penalty. Just note that it doesn't work backwards, from premium to non premium vehicle so if they are trained for T29, you will get penalised if you stick them into a T-34.

The Soviet medium line is possibly the most beginner friendly and doesn't have too many stinkers apart from T-43. US Patton line is also pretty good even if Pershing at T8 is very lackluster right now but tanks before that and after are great.

I would maybe avoid German lines as they are not that beginner friendly, same can be said for Japanese and Chinese lines are just plain sorry right now and in need of a buff.
I prefer long range shots rather than the rocking back and forth street fighting. Getting pretty good at deflection shots.
Have you tried any of the tank destroyers?

Russians tend to have the big caliber inaccurate guns and the Germans are pretty accurate and again the USA are sort of in the middle.

If you fancy being a bit more mobile and for late game clean up then you might want to stick with the mediums.
Playing more than a handful games today and got reminded why I haven't played properly for a few good weeks now. 9 losses to 2 wins and losses are just phenomenally bad rollover teams.

This game falls flat on its behind as a competitive and fun experience unless you play for hours on end to even out the utterly useless MM, hope I can kick this bad habit soon.
Haven't played the game in two weeks and haven't missed it one bit to be honest. I'm sure I'll be back at some point, but not at all bothered about the game for now.

As for new starters, I would certainly recommend the Russian mediums. The T-43 isn't bad, but as I mentioned when I was grinding it, the tank just didn't really feel like any real change from the T-34-85 so it was a bit of a chore to play in that I wasn't really looking at something drastically different. I am really enjoying the T-44 though, I seem to have a really easy time angling it so that tracks eat shots, the gun works well and it is nippy enough to get around the maps quickly. Can't speak for the T-54 and higher as I haven't got there myself yet, but they're well regarded anyway.
Playing more than a handful games today and got reminded why I haven't played properly for a few good weeks now. 9 losses to 2 wins and losses are just phenomenally bad rollover teams.

This game falls flat on its behind as a competitive and fun experience unless you play for hours on end to even out the utterly useless MM, hope I can kick this bad habit soon.

Just wait for the new client to hit. The game becomes again interesting.
At least it has become for me while playing at the Test client. So much better feeling and graphics.
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It looks really good but not sure I'll get a nice feeling when losing with same awful teams ;)

Also am I completely insane thinking that AT 15A is actually a decent buy at 30% right now? Better armour profile than regular AT 15, preferential MM and only crew trainer you can get for British TD crews for Badgers and ****barns?
Just don't give WG the money.......

They have ignored the community for so long.

Power-creep, OP premiums, more and more premium tanks at the expense of new maps and content.

No more premium accounts, no more premium tanks.
Well that's one of the biggest factors too although it's a little too late as I'm an idiot and I gave them too much money already and have quite a bit of gold. Otherwise I'm not putting a penny more into this.

Let's face It, skill based MM isn't happening and ranked battles is as close as we'll get to it. Maybe with luck, best case scenario is that we may get ranked battles for T8 but that would bring a huge issue of people just playing the rising number of OP premiums.
I had a few hours on it last night and had a miserable time, managed just 6 wins from 21 games!!!! Did manage to unlock the top gun on the 110 so hopefully it will be a bit better than the crap 175pen gun i had before in tier 10 battles.
I won most of my games last night so got all the triples I attempted, save one. My poor Type 4 just could not pull a win, with above 2k damage every game, being near the top, then on another game getting 6 kills, owning the heavy tanks on one side, unfortunately just a bunch of spanners.

Still, got through 2 HT missions (one in that 6 kill game in the Type 4, another first try in my T-10) and most of the other 3x victories that I wanted, so yeah it could have been worse.
I very much enjoyed the 110, with the top gun it's a pretty well armoured, mobile heavy with a very solid gun. I hope you have the same experience in it as I did!

Im not feeling the love for it at the moment but i think thats more to do with the gun. I hope to have a better evening with it tonight.
Finding original IS rather competitive with the 100mm, almost medium like gun handling with the ability to perma track tanks due to better DPM and while I haven't used a premium round in it so far, it's good to know there's better pen than on 122mm gun.

Toying with the idea of pursuing the Chinese heavy line but disappointed that IS-2 has a poor 100mm option.

Think I may just chuck the IS crew into T-10 instead after I'm done with it in preparation for that new tier 10 tank, which will more than likely be Object 777. Knowing WG and since it's Soviet it will be better than 5A anyway.

430U line is going to be flavour of the month in March too so that probably diminishes the need for grinding 113.
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