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Playing my Conway a lot, swapping between guns as both are viable and the 139 caliber is great if you fancy spending 7k a heat round but the results are fun!

Anyone using Hangman's garage mod ? It's rather good as you can set it to use the last battle as your hanger. It hides the UI and does a slow 360 of your tank and let's you zoom in as close as you want, great for looking at the details ! (nerd mode)
The IS works best as a brawler with the 122 when it's top tier. I agree though gun handling and fire rate will help a lot supporting against T9. I always used the 122mm personally as the brawling capability and massive alpha worked very well.
I don't trust this game to put me top tier in more than a handful of games before I get to IS-M and surprisingly been racking up a lot more damage as so many snapshots actually land.

I did original play it with 122mm but in current meta the armour is quite frankly garbage for a heavy apart from sidescraping action and odd turret shot hitting the bouncy bits. I feel like you have to aim too long with the bigger gun which leaves you exposes to shots for too long.

With the 100mm I basically peek and sidescrape for a fraction of a second to snap a shot and more times than not it goes where you aim it so finding the damage a lot more reliable and don't leave myself exposed to enemy fire as much. Not as wild at medium and even long range shots and also catches out some less experienced players who try to charge me thinking I have a longer reload.

Still of course very much down to personal preference as the big alpha is nice, especially at lower tier games as mentioned, but even though it's not intended I feel like current meta favours the more medium tank style of play with 100mm.
The way to enjoy WoT is simply not to play anything above T4/5.

Pz1c always hillarious. Anything with derp - M4 for example.

Always make credits - just no stress.

Once you get to T8/9/10 it gets increasingly toxic. Gold everywhere.

So much more fun.
The way to enjoy WoT is simply not to play anything above T4/5.

Pz1c always hillarious. Anything with derp - M4 for example.

Always make credits - just no stress.

Once you get to T8/9/10 it gets increasingly toxic. Gold everywhere.

So much more fun.

Yeah youre 100% right.

Just had a game in my waffletractor, managed to get my 2000 damage i needed for td-15 (since they reduced it from 3000, which i got the day the rewards were down!) Last guy remaining on our team was an is-3 will full health against 3 low hp meds.

So he goes into the cap, get to 99% then drives out, proceeds to get killed because he cant see straight and shoots past tanks while putting himself side on.

I was that convinced he was going to win it i typed a preemptive GG, then the twonk goes and loses it :/
I do find myself playing my T6 premiums a lot more than T8 counterparts. Don't remember the last time I loaded a premium round in either my T-34-85M, Bromwell or Type 64 although latter is a recent addition.

I play the Skorpion here and there too as frankly it's a mildly OP tank in which I haven't fired a single premium round so far either. Rest are just gathering dust at T8 as they lack penetration with a bunch of ridiculously armoured vehicles getting added recently.

Only issue I have is that I feel guilty playing T5 and below as it feels a little seal club like.
I do find myself playing my T6 premiums a lot more than T8 counterparts. Don't remember the last time I loaded a premium round in either my T-34-85M, Bromwell or Type 64 although latter is a recent addition.

I play the Skorpion here and there too as frankly it's a mildly OP tank in which I haven't fired a single premium round so far either. Rest are just gathering dust at T8 as they lack penetration with a bunch of ridiculously armoured vehicles getting added recently.

Only issue I have is that I feel guilty playing T5 and below as it feels a little seal club like.

I've not fired a single prem round yet, had a battle earlier in the tiger 131 and was top tier, thought this should be good!

Every single round that hit me was gold, and the armour isnt that good, especially the way I was driving it. Thought about screenshotting it then thought whats the point, if someone is willing to pump 15 gold rounds into a tiger then they clearly dont care what people think, and its not even surprising anymore.
Don't see playing T5/4 as seal clubbing. I learn't a lot when I started by watching other players. If I play in a T4 game and do well it's not seal clubbing, it's allowing others to learn from the things I did right. You can make such a difference just by learning to angle/fight one enemy at once/tracking/spotting.

T7+ just gets too salty. Tanks with pref MM like the B2740f are basically a T10 tank in terms of always top tier but at T4.

Why do we grind for T10 - cos we want the better gun/better armour/better agility/be top tier. But of course then the MM makes sure everyone else has it too !

They are desperate to get people playing T10s as they know that is where the money is (prem account/gold ammo). Look at the recent missions all about ranked battles.
Just feels like by the time I put equipment on and decent crews in (something not a lot may have at that tier) as well as my knowledge then it's no longer a level playing field.

Then again I can also think of myself as a counter balance to professional seal clubbers :p
Sure you sit there in your Luchs with camo, binos and a 3 skill crew and you can outspot everyone. Still less broken than T8 premium tanks and T8 MM !
T8 premium isn't broken, you just have to buy the expensive ones :p

Pretty tragic that I can make jokes like that and not be wrong. So what good game are we all switching to then chaps ;)
T3/4/5 WoT - loving it today - 6 battles, 5 wins, 22 kills. 1 total carry (1 v 4). 1 game where I really felt I made a difference.

plus lots of GL&HF in chat. So much less toxic at lower tiers.
Made another mistake of playing for more than a handful of dailies today, just what in the actual ****.

Was thinking I'd grab few more x3 wins on Chinese tanks but it's absolute disaster teams where I can't do anything with them.
Made another mistake of playing for more than a handful of dailies today, just what in the actual ****.

Was thinking I'd grab few more x3 wins on Chinese tanks but it's absolute disaster teams where I can't do anything with them.

yup same here....I have all but abandoned my Chinese TD grind at tier 8 (50K XP in to it) as it is super painful.

On the other hand the SU100M1 is great...but the MM messes you about... for example 18 out of 20 wins in it last night...struggle to break 50% ratio tonight. Team after team of bots and just unfathomable stupidness means last one standing often with 2 to 3K dmg..ending in defeat.
Ironically, I think that the game will die due to their inability/lack of desire to deal with bots and the toxic community.

When enough real people stop playing the game will just fail.

What we need to do is STOP GIVING WG ANY MONEY and explain why.
I was doing well with voting with my wallet until Christmas period, still got a good value for money with the prizes but also feeling ashamed for having given them money.

This really really won't get any better as I don't believe they are willing to do anything to random battles MM when it comes to skill based algorithms. This year they are going to be busy with 1.0 and two new nations in the tech tree.

It simply doesn't work as a competivie game, one day I play like a useless potato and have easy wins and other days I'm playing my socks off, have high average WN8 and just get steamrolled game after game.

I hit this with 3 premium rounds with no damage. Once in a while I get to see a new map once then back to the same 2 over and over, is it that I am using the same tank T29 most of the time?
If you see that tank then more chances than not you can't pen it at all with low tier tanks. It's an utterly overpowered lower tier tank that should never have been and shouldn't continue to be sold.

As for maps, T3 and below sees a very limited selection of maps, as you reach T4 it opens up most of the maps available in game.
Yep, P2J really should not be sold anymore. It is more broken than overpowered as the armour barely stands up against a lot of tier 4 tanks (which is meets most of the time these days due to the new MM) and it's gun is forced to use gold to stand a chance of penetrating a lot enemy tanks, even down at tier 3.

I won't lie, it is extremely fun when you get one of those rare Tier 3 games however. and manage to get yourself into a good position..

The B2 at tier 4 is more OP! (yes I have one of them too! :p)

With regards to WarGaming, I will avoid future games made by them like the plague after what they have done to this game in recent months/years and with how they appear to fail to listen to their player feedback so spectacularly. Their arrogance is a pita a case in point is when they first changed the MM, it was pretty good, then they forced 3/5/7 and it has been terrible since. Unfortunately, I love World of Tanks, even with it's pains so I will continue to play it for the forseeable future, on and off.
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