I've just been playing this a bit over the last few days but other than the obvious addictiveness from the whole rewarding system with upgrades and better tanks etc, i've found the game quite frustrating... The element of luck from the lack of gun accuracy is quite frustrating and i seem to spend so much of the game waiting or camping or just moving staring at the horizon waiting for someone to do something stupid... What am I doing wrong? :-/ (around tier 3-4 atm)
it can be frustrating, then you have a good game and all that goes away
what tanks you playing? as they all have different roles.
Light tanks usually scout, dont go and do a kamikazee, just try and spot enemy tanks and hide, then the teams heavys, artys and mediums will kill him (well in theory)
Medium tanks, i usually pair up with some other mediums or a heavy, just support who is beside you, just let the heavy go first
kind of a support/sniper role
Heavy tanks, kind of opposite of medium, you usually have the most armour (especially if your name is in top 3 of list of gamers.)
just go with another heavy or medium.
TD's, mainly sniping, find a bush/rock and wait, you get a camouflage bonus, so if you dont move, you are hard to detect, usually powerfull gun and weak armour.
use the terrain, like hills, rocks etc..., pop out and shoot, then reverse back and reload, then pop out and shoot again.
more info here