****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Hi guys,

Just started playing on Saturday! Going down the German tank route, currently using a PzKpfw II Luchs Tier 3 tank that is fully upgraded (bar radio) and i'm saving up money and xp to get myself a tier 4.

Any hints or tips for a new guy?
Well that sota worked out lol

I think one of the main problems people have is lack of variety of tanks. T6 is annoying anyway, most have sold those tanks to fund higher tiers. It worked fine with the endless KV-3 spam but not so much anymore. I have limited T6 tanks as well.

T8 should have been better but it seems various people sold their t8 to fund t9's :p

If we keep this a regular thing, we should build up some experience so that we can win. Will also help if we had a few other people online earlier / at all.
Oh ok cheers I'll check in a minute.

Still need another grand and a half of XP for my PzIII/IV, and about another 100 grand of silver. Yay haha! :/
I think one of the main problems people have is lack of variety of tanks. T6 is annoying anyway, most have sold those tanks to fund higher tiers. It worked fine with the endless KV-3 spam but not so much anymore. I have limited T6 tanks as well.

T8 should have been better but it seems various people sold their t8 to fund t9's :p

If we keep this a regular thing, we should build up some experience so that we can win. Will also help if we had a few other people online earlier / at all.

Is there a rough amount of playtime to get these tank levels?
as pup has said we could really do with a better selection of tanks for each tier.

ideally we need more heavies at tier 6 and 8 and a couple more tier 4 arty.

in a perfect world we would have at tier 8 a team mainly made up of tier 8 non premium heavies with maybe a med and td with 2 tier 6 arty.

we seemed to have quite a few types which if truth be told are cannon fodder against good players in regular tier 8's (as beano getting one shotted in his kind of pointed out :)).

for tier 6 we could do with arl's and kv 1s' which i have but i had to play arty as we only had 1 other person with a tier 4 arty.

in most of the games last night we had the better players but were beaten by having the lesser tanks and having less of them as well and not being co-ordinated enough with each other (which will of course come with time and games)

i think we will have to get some training battles in practising different situations :)
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every player advances at different speeds so we can't really say how long it will take you, but the more games you are willing to lay the quicker it is and a premium account helps a lot.

Well if Arty's are what is needed then I'm happy to switch over to that line of tanks and give them a go. As I said i'm pretty new so switching over doesn't bother me.

I'm on holiday for a couple of weeks from the 4th so won't be around but can see what I can do until then if it helps!!
I'll be back playing regularly now i've got my internet set up in my new flat and finished my exams (skdav in game) so will be up for some tooning/companying.

Although thinking about it pretty much all my tanks are tier 7s apart from a KV-2, Panther II, SU-14 and an Object 704 and a couple of lower tanks for fun.
Ive got a selection of tanks from tier 5 up to tier 10. only got a Hummel and an S-51 for arty thought. Im on most nights.
Grille is a lot of fun, my best game yet was 9 kills in it, mind you I think I must have been playing total noobs as I generally suck at games including wot
i have 46 :p

wow, and i thought i had a lot with 20
i have never played in a clan, platoon or team game, so i dont even know how to go about doing it.
i do have a few tier 5 and 6 tanks though.
KV-3 (T 7)
M4 E8
T1 Heavy
VK3601 H stock
VK3001 P stock
Stug III

dont have mumble, so i would say that counts me out
even if you don't have a mic you can still download mumble and you can hear us which would help a little bit.

KV-2's and T150's are good for the medium tiered company battles :) basically you need as much fire power / armour / hit points as you can get in your team within the points limit.

next time we are doing anything if you are on you will receive an invite :)

i will probably try and get some training battles going before we try company battles again though so we can get used to all playing together.
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I'm pretty nifty with the Sturmpanzer II, but it's a Tier III gun. Saving up for a Grille but it might take a while as I just spent most of my silver on a Panzer III/IV.
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