Just realised the 430 had a 15% discount - so freexped the last 3k. So far two games, both 15-2 roflstomps - the enemy have 8+ blue/green, we have 2. So no idea really of what the tank is like as just getting rushed and killed in first 3 minutes.
3rd game - win - balanced teams on Kharkov. Pushed open side and bounced some stuff. Turret is v.strong. Bounced gold from both an AC48 on upper plate, udes14 on trackes and a T30 on turret. Took 100hp arty splash.
Hit 5 shots, and 2 tracking shots for 0 damage. Aim time/accuracy is annoying, but handling seems ok. Mobility is a bit meh, traverse seems fine, speed is poor but still stock engine/tracks.
All in all seems a decent tank !