I generally give the game 30 minutes to an hour on a Sunday afternoon now, I just can't bring myself to play it any more than that. In fact I've found myself sat in the garage scrolling through all the tanks and I'm just not interested in the main. Some of you might have seen my rage in clan chat last weekend, but I just feel that comes with the territory when you play this game now, I can't remember the last time I had a round where I thought "Yeah, this game can be alright sometimes". For me life is too draining and stressful during the week to commit to this game on any level. One thing I know for sure is I'll never put any money in to the game again.
I've always liked driving/racing games so those are what I personally play the most at the moment, no stress for me because there are no competitive idiots carrying on in chat or pinging a map and things are largely predictable instead of WoT RNG which feels more like it'll do its absolute best to screw you over all of the time rather than working with you occasionally. I did try WoWS a couple of years ago, but I'm not interested in ships/boats whereas I've always had some sort of interest in tanks, so it is difficult for me to be interested in it. I used to be an avid CS player, but I think a combination of not playing it for a couple of years and more than likely my reactions getting slower means I just not competitive like I used to be otherwise I'd go back to playing that. A lot of people would say that the CS community is toxic, but I've personally always thought that the WoT community was a lot worse.
When I eventually get around to upgrading my PC I think I'll leave WoT behind entirely and just play good single player action/adventure games and racing games. A 2500k, GTX 1070 and 8GB RAM doesn't cut it for running the latest games on decent graphics these days.