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no more kv5 low tier matches lol (this is from overlords blog)

Yeah, if the JE-100 is based on the E100 chasis then its front armour is next to useless now with the higher pen guns floating around, and unlike the E100 you can't easily angle the hull or turret to attempt to bounce some shots as you wouldn't be able to return fire very easily. The gun looks immense though, 170mm of ~1200 damage can potentially one shot a lot of things assuming you don't get 0 damage tracks! It's pratically a SPG in TD mode. Imagine two of them working together, thats a Maus dead in 1 second and 2 shots :)

2x 1200 = 2400

Maus has 3000 HP. Where did the extra 600 come from, fire?
Its still not likely anyway. 1200 is an above average shot for a JE-100.

You really can't play it as a frontliner. Its frontal armour is just useless and once you fire, everyone knows they have 20 seconds before you can fire again which gives most tanks 1 or 2 shots on you free of charge and with your slow move speed you'll struggle to get back behind cover.
Woo BatChat unlocked and tracks/100mm mounted so it'll be elite come the T10 switch.

Had a wee play with it on the test server last night, for some reason it seemed a bit more sluggish turning than T9 even with only the stock (t9) engine, but still loads of fun plus the new 105mm seems good. Shame its 5 cylinder not 6 though.

Also what is with the hate of the Lorraine on the last page. Granted it got hit with the nerf stick pretty bad but I played it pre and post nerf and it was still an amazing tank once you got used to the reload and post nerf the aim time.
I'm finding it to be one of the worst tanks I have played in recent memory. Or at least by far the worst stock tank I've played in recent memory. I must've played about 10 games today and lost every single 1 of them. The tank is a worthless piece of junk. Its stock gun is useless if you can't flank the enemy and its too slow and heavy to flank people. And the less said about the the gun depression the better. The tank is so high up that on level ground at close range you still can't aim low enough to hit the side of a tank instead of the sloped upper hull!

I would very much like to get the Batchat before it goes up in price but I'm just too far away for that to ever happen.

Case in point, I just had to be saved from a Type 59 because half my shots bounced by an AMX 12t ><
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Yeah, like most tanks, in fact probably more than a lot of them it sucks at stock. Get the 1st engine and improved 90mm and it begins to show its potential, stock its just a bigger slower AMX-90 with better match making.

As for gun depression, yeah bad, but as my other main line was German mediums I'm kinda used to it with them :p.
Easier said than done. I need the tracks before the gun and I don't know whether I'll see more improvement from the tracks first or the engine first.
Yeah, I can't even remember the initial grind part of it, think it was during some x3/x5 event and I probably had saved up enough free xp to get at least one of the first modules so that would have made it a lot easier.
By the way, buying the AMX 12t back now will net you a new garage slot and free tank when 7.5 arrives. You can then sell them back for a bit of a profit as it will be in a higher tier I believe.

Get the 13 75 and 13 90 too as they are 1/2 price special (if its still on) with all three you should net about 1mil when you sell them.
Just wondered if you could enlighten me on how to use Free Experience. I've read about it on the WOT forums but I can not find anywhere it shows the steps to actually use it, plenty of discussion but no help.

For instance its showing about 8000 but I dont understand what to do with it. If I click on convert experience then it gives me a convert window which only shows one tank with a tick against it and 12 *. this is probably because before there were all my previous tanks and it said underneath convert experience cost 402 gold. So I did the conversion but now how do I spend the 8000 ?
You can spend free experience on any tank's research tree (even if you don't own it). It just adds it automatically to the xp earned on that tank when you want to try and research anything.

You convert experience (when elited) on tanks to free XP using gold.
right so if I have to research the next tank and need 16000, if I have 8000 xp plus 8000 free I should be able to research it straight away.

right get it now.
Just wondered if you could enlighten me on how to use Free Experience. I've read about it on the WOT forums but I can not find anywhere it shows the steps to actually use it, plenty of discussion but no help.

For instance its showing about 8000 but I dont understand what to do with it. If I click on convert experience then it gives me a convert window which only shows one tank with a tick against it and 12 *. this is probably because before there were all my previous tanks and it said underneath convert experience cost 402 gold. So I did the conversion but now how do I spend the 8000 ?

You earn a little free xp everytime you play a game and it goes into a pot which you can spend on any tank in any tree, hence it's 'free'.

For example, when you are grinding your AMX 13 90, every game you play gets you some xp for that tank only, say on average 1000xp per match + a tiny amount into the 'free' xp pot. Eventually you'll unlock everything on the tank - tracks, guns, turrets, engines and radios etc and also the next tank up.

Now, at that point the tank becomes elite - meaning you've unlocked everything and every battle you now have the xp you earn can either be put into a big pot or earned towards crew training for your AMX 13 90 (the tank that is now elited). The crew get all the xp earned and they rank up quicker so you can learn more skills etc.

If you decide not to accelerate crew training the xp goes into this big holding pot. Now, heres the kicker...in order to be able to use that xp you need to convert it. You've seen the screen - basically you'll have to pay real money to convert that xp into 'free' xp which can be used against any tank. Sometimes people use it to skip a tank if they don't like it or at least unlock everything so its not stock (i'm guilty of that quite a bit!)

Does that make sense?

right so if I have to research the next tank and need 16000, if I have 8000 xp plus 8000 free I should be able to research it straight away.

right get it now.

Yes, if you've got 8000xp on the tank and 8000 in your free pot and the next upgrade on the tank is 16,000xp then yes you can now research it. You see why some people now pay to convert their elited xp to skip modules, tanks or whatever. It drastically speeds up the grinding process and helps get past tanks you dislike or simply get put in awful tiered games.
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Yes, though its best to save it till you REALLY need it unless you're willing to pump money in for gold to convert.

You only get a bonus of 5% as free exp from all exp you gain which takes a very long time to add up. Its best to save it up for when you really need it, like really bad stock tanks or rushing the last bit to the next tank during a 50% discount sale or when you get sick of grinding to a module/tank because the tank is so bad (I skipped the last half of the AMX 40 for example because the tank is so awful to play).
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